Monday 22 November 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 47

Blimey, week 47 ?!! Where is the time going? I need to start getting prepared for Christmas ! But for now, let's just think about next week. Last week was a busy one with parent-teacher evenings on Tuesday and Thursday, then on Saturday I let Sophie convince me to start putting up the Christmas decorations. The tree needs new lights so that has been put to the side for now, until I manage to grab a moment to go and buy new ones. (That'll be Wednesday, unless Sophie does it.) It does look nice and sparkly, just with a few bits of tinsel and dangly things hanging off the ceiling ! This week, I have parent-teacher evenings again, on Monday and Tuesday but as a parent this time- and I have to do both apparently as there are different teachers on both nights. Sigh. Tuesday is going to be a busy day as I'm on a training day all day, including lunch with the team, then I have to dash back to my school for a meeting at 4.30, then I have to head to Juliette's school for 5.30 for the meeting with the teachers. I'll need my Wednesday off to recover ! Snow is possibly on the way this week too, so I'll be looking up winter warmers to cook this week :)


lunch- canteen for me (fresh pasta for the kids)

dinner - we'll be in late so Sophie may take over - if not, tartiflette (potatoes, bacon, onions and stinky cheese, baked in the oven) (kicked back from last week's menu and the cheese is still festering in the bottom of the fridge !)


lunch- canteen for me (leftovers for the kids)

dinner- we'll be in late again so hopefully Sophie will take over - if not, spaghetti bolognese


lunch- chicken burgers with rice & coleslaw

dinner- veal stew (with potatoes, carrots, leeks, mushrooms) and leftover rice if desired (or just as it is)


lunch - I'll be eating with friends (Sophie will probably come along as Pierre and Juliette will be at school canteens)

dinner- chicken curry with rice


lunch- Sophie will throw something together if there are no leftovers 

dinner - chilli con carne & rice


lunch- kids' choice of fast food probably

dinner- probably something picked up when I go shopping - pizza? KFC-style chicken ? Chinese? or something completely unusual if I find it !


lunch- roast dinner - chicken this week, I think

dinner- bacon sandwiches, as we haven't had them for a while :)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***


  1. This year is flying over and Christmas will be here before we know it. It sounds like things are busy for you at the moment.
    Great meal plan. x

  2. Sounds so busy love spag bol and chilli we have not had that in ages x
