Sunday 28 November 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 48

After a couple of busy weeks at work, this week is looking slightly calmer. I do have to fill in the end of term reports and prepare the "conseil de classes" meetings on top of regular lessons, but there are no after school meetings for once - phew. Luckily, the eldest kids are off doing a week of work experience so that'll give me some extra time to fill in the reports too. We didn't get snow in the end but it was blooming cold and we had major wind and rain - so much so that Father Christmas abseiling down the belfry was put back until Wednesday ! Sophie's off in Italy this week, catching up with some friends. So what's on the menu this week ?


lunch- canteen for me (leftovers - probably pasta - for the kids)

dinner - battered fish with mash and coleslaw (I have a quarter of a white cabbage to use up)


lunch- canteen for me (leftovers for the kids)

dinner- smoked sausages with lentils and rice


lunch- chipolatas with leftover lentils and rice (only me and Pierre at home)

dinner- beef stew (with carrots, onions, mushrooms) with pasta


lunch - I'll be eating with friends (leftovers for the kids)

dinner- chicken casserole with leftover pasta if there's enough, if not boiled potatoes


lunch-  leftovers or a Sophie-special :)

dinner - chilli con carne with rice (one of our winter favourites)


lunch- kids' choice of fast food probably - if not, fishfingers (veggie option for Sophie as she doesn't like fish) with ebly and veg

dinner- something that leaps out at me when I go shopping - or maybe a chicken stir fry if nothing takes my fancy?


lunch- roast dinner - chicken probably

dinner- bacon sandwiches, if I can find bacon - totally failed last week :-/

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***


  1. I am glad things are starting to calm down for you.
    Great meal plan. I love the sound of the beef stew and chicken casserole. Really warming meals, just what we need at the moment x

  2. Sounds like it's been a busy time. Hope you got the reports done ok. My kids love lentils which is so handy because they are cheap and versatile. Hope you had a good week and thanks for linking up to #mealplanmonday

  3. Fingers crossed, the week is calmer than the previous ones. Hope Sophie has a great time in Italy. Poor Father Christmas, who cannot abseil in bad weather.

  4. Oh battered fish with mash and coleslaw sounds interesting. Glad it's calming down x
