Sunday 12 May 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 20

It was like being on holiday again this week as there were only two days of work on Monday and Tuesday. We went into town for the annual boot sale in the town centre on Thursday with loads of stalls and good deals in the shops. Juliette bought a few clothes and we had a nice wander about. It was really sunny and Juliette ended up with a little bit of sunburn on her face and arm - I hadn't even thought about sun cream ! Sophie is off in Croatia this week with a friend. It's somewhere we knew nothing about so she's having fun exploring and said everything is cheap compared to prices at home. Back to a normal week at work but the oldest kids are in exams on Thursday and Friday so I have a few hours of exam invigilating instead of lessons. There are only a couple of weeks left to mark the oldest kids so things will chill out after that. I can smell the summer approaching ! Here's our rough plan for what we're eating this week but things tend to go off plan as Juliette finds intriguing new recipes on instagram that she wants to try out !


lunch- chicken skewers with rice and peas/carrots

dinner - sausages and mash


lunch- beefburgers and pasta

dinner- sweet & sour chicken with rice


lunch- fishfingers, rice and veg

dinner- fricadelles (spicy sausages) with baked potatoes


lunch- school lunch for me, Pierre and Juliette can go fridge/freezer diving

dinner- cottage pie


lunch- creamy pork and mushrooms with pasta

dinner - chicken burgers in buns with chips and coleslaw


lunch- spare ribs with baked potatoes and coleslaw

dinner- Philadelphia chicken with pasta and cherry tomatoes


lunch- fajitas with chicken/rice/guacamole/salsa

dinner - fish, rice and peas

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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