Monday 20 May 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 21

This week Juliette went back to Lille for her final exams (in translation so not much to revise). This week she's off to Antwerp with Sophie to see Olivia Rodrigo in concert. She almost didn't make it as her train back to Lille last night was cancelled due to an accident where somebody died (I would guess someone threw themselves under the train which is horrible). All trains kept being cancelled until late in the evening but she finally got the last train back, which was just as well as they had an early bus out of Lille to get to Antwerp this morning. Fingers crossed that's the last of their problems and the rest of the trip will be plain sailing. Today is another bank holiday - May is traditionally the month of bank holidays - but I have an afternoon of meetings on my afternoon off tomorrow so I don't really get a quieter week. Only about a month and a half of this school year left to get through though, then we're on holiday :) Here's this week's meal plan.


lunch- chilli con carne

dinner - sweet & sour chicken and rice


lunch- leftovers

dinner- pasta bolognese


lunch- bacon sandwiches

dinner- fish, chips and peas


lunch- school lunch for me, Pierre and Juliette can go fridge/freezer diving

dinner- bacon and potato patties with mash, peas and carrots


lunch- chicken burgers and pasta

dinner - pork chops, rice and creamy leeks


lunch- Deliveroo

dinner- chicken curry, rice and naan bread


lunch- pork filet mignon, baked potatoes and carrots

dinner - pasta carbonara

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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