Sunday 26 May 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 22

This week was back to normal. Well, it seemed like it but we actually had Monday off, thinking about it. The girls had fun in Antwerp for the Olivia Rodrigo concert and got there and back with no problems. Their next concert is Coldplay in Lyon which is bloody miles away but they seem to manage all the travelling by train ok luckily. This week is a normal week at work. Pierre gets a morning off tomorrow because he is going to get his braces put on his teeth. Luckily he doesn't need me there as they didn't have any appointments that fitted in with my work. Here's what is on the menu this week.


lunch- spicy pork and pasta

dinner - filet mignon with mash and leeks


lunch- Arizona chicken skewers with rice and sweetcorn

dinner- beefburgers and chips


lunch- chicken burgers with rice and onion rings

dinner- pasta bolognese


lunch- school lunch for me, Pierre and Juliette can go fridge/freezer diving

dinner- chicken fajitas


lunch- chipolatas with pasta and green beans

dinner - pasta carbonara


lunch- fish fingers, rice and peas

dinner- Deliveroo


lunch- pork chops, roast potatoes, carrots and gravy

dinner - bacon sandwiches

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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