Sunday 9 June 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 24

This week, I finally managed to sort out someone to come and finish the work on the roof, replacing all the ridge tiles. This is the final stage of the repairs from a big storm over a year ago so it's taken ages. I've paid the deposit so I'm just waiting for him to show up and do his stuff now. I have an appointment at the bank next week to free up some cash from my savings so that I can pay off the holiday and the roof repairs and Pierre's braces. This made me realise that I still haven't received the final payment from the insurance for the other roof repairs as far as I know - the invoice was taken in months ago so I need to chase that up too. School is winding down and the kids are already asking if we can play games or watch videos instead of the normal lessons. There's one week left of marking for the younger kids so they won't be very serious after that. Oh well, not long to go now. Here's what I have planned for food this week.


lunch- chicken donuts with pasta

dinner - pork lomos with rice and veg


dinner- Paprika pork with pasta


lunch- fish, chips and peas

dinner- fricadelles, rice and leeks


lunch- school lunch for me, Pierre and Juliette can go fridge/freezer diving


dinner - baked potatoes with chicken and mushrooms


lunch- pizza


lunch- roast chicken, hasselback potatoes and carrots

dinner - turkey meatloaf with pepper salad and couscous

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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