Sunday 23 June 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 26

This week is our last week of lessons, so I've decided to be nice and let the kids watch DVDs in English. The week after is exams and meetings then that's this school year done - woohoo ! The girls went to Lyon (which is about 4 hours away by train) over the weekend to see Coldplay in concert. They had a good time apparently. Not much else going on here for now. Pierre is getting ready for his exams in a week's time. It's the end of an era ! Here's what's on the cards foodwise this week. Lasagne is being listed again as Pierre ate with his friends while watching the football on a big screen in the town centre a couple of times so I just had a sandwich rather than cooking just for me.


lunch- sausages, chips and ratatouille

dinner - Tropical chicken skewers with rice and salad


lunch- veal escalopes with pasta


lunch- leftovers

dinnerveal blanquette (to use up the veal) with rice and carrots


lunch- school lunch for me, Pierre can go fridge/freezer diving

dinner- chicken korma with rice and raita


lunch- chicken burgers with rice and peas/carrots


lunch- chicken cordon bleu with mash

dinner- fish, rice and sweetcorn/salad


lunch- Arizona chicken with pasta

dinner lasagne with salad

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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