Friday 30 September 2011

Brits go bonkers for bathtime !

Some light-hearted reading to ease into the weekend ! Who would you choose to have a bath with ? I have to say, I probably wouldn't have chosen someone from the list of top answers !



– Half of Brits use the bath to spend quality time with their partner –

Winter may be just around the corner, but romance is hotting up in the bathroom with 47 per cent of Brits admitting to bathing with their partners on a regular basis to spend quality (bath) time together.

The study by Radox, Britain’s favourite washing and bathing brand, reveals that Brits spend 40 minutes in the bath on average, equating to over 34 hours a year soaking and 16 whole weeks in a lifetime – but it is not necessarily their other halves that Brits want to jump in the tub with.

The research revealed that the nation’s ladies are looking for a little posh totty in their tub with Prince Harry (13 per cent) topping the list of the most desirable bath time buddies, closely followed by the bubbly Russell Brand (12 per cent).

The Only Way Is Essex bad boy Mark Wright and Harry Potter’s wand-wielding Daniel Radcliffe came in joint third (nine per cent respectively) followed by more bath time royalty – Prince William (eight per cent).

Men on the other hand would like to soap-up and enjoy fireworks with Brand’s other half Katy Perry (15 per cent) and housewives’ favourite Holly Willoughby (13 per cent). The research found that nine per cent of men would also like to lather-up with JLo (and her voluptuous bath time bod) while eight and five per cent respectively went for the more streamline Kate Middleton and outrageous Lady Gaga – who admits to going to bed without taking her make-up and clothes off, let alone bathed.

The celebs we’d most like to share a bath with


Prince Harry (12.5%)
Russell Brand (12%)
Mark Wright (TOWIE) (9%)
Daniel Radcliffe (8.5%)
Prince William (8%)

Katy Perry (15%)
Holly Willoughby (13%)
Jennifer Lopez (8.5%)
Kate Middleton (8%)
Lady Gaga (5%)

However, not everyone is desperate to share their bath, with three-quarters of Brits (75 per cent) admitting to using it as a solace to relax and have “me time”.

The study also found that Brits’ bath time is most likely to be in the afternoon or later with a quarter favouring this time for their plunge (25 per cent). One in 12 Brits (8 per cent) however admit to kick starting their day with a soak and 16 per cent claim to jump in the minute they are home from the daily grind.

Britain’s biggest bathers (average time spent in the bath):

1. Belfast (51 minutes, 42 seconds)
2. Glasgow (43 minutes, 31 seconds)
3. Birmingham (41 minutes, 43 seconds)
4. Manchester (41 minutes, 13 seconds)
5. Newcastle (41 minutes, 8 seconds)

Cassie Shuttlewood, brand manager at Radox, comments:
“It is good to see the bath is still popular, especially for catching up with the other half! For many it is a great excuse to light a candle, pour a glass of wine and unwind from the day – and for others, a chance to imagine a rather royal bath time buddy.”

Radox has created a new bath time treat to help the nation enjoy baths even more. Bath Smoothies has taken the natural ingredients found in Radox Shower Smoothies and blended them into a luxurious, smooth cream designed to deliver a sumptuous bathing experience that will leave you smelling good enough to eat.

(I'll be reviewing Radox Bath Smoothies shortly so watch this space for a review.)

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  1. I love my bath but wouldn't want to share it with anyone thank you! I get some of my best ideas in the bath so it obviously gives me time to relax, reflect and sort things out in my mind. My shower is a more rushed event and my morning mind is just going through my list of stuff to be done. No time for reflection there.

  2. I love my bath but wouldn't want to share it with anyone thank you! I get some of my best ideas in the bath so it obviously gives me time to relax, reflect and sort things out in my mind. My shower is a more rushed event and my morning mind is just going through my list of stuff to be done. No time for reflection there.

  3. Ewww, I am not loving the list of bathtime buddies! I think I'll just keep my own bath time private :)

  4. I can think of other people to share a bath with than those listed above, Gary Barlow or Orlando Bloom for example!! To be honest I like a bath to myself, just peace and quiet, lovely!

  5. Daniel Radcliffe?? Come on!
    As a typical French, I prefer to have a good long shower than a bath at home, but when I travel for work, I just love having a long bath in my hotel room...
