Wednesday 14 January 2015

The Slim.Fast January Challenge

As you'll know if you're a regular reader of my blog, I'm on a mission to lose some weight this year (um ok, and last year too !). You can catch up with my journey so far and see how I get on in the coming months on my weekly Sunday weigh-in posts - it's a linky too so feel free to link up any weightloss, fitness or healthy eating posts of your own.

I was delighted when Slim.Fast asked if I'd like to take part in a January challenge and offered to send me three week's worth of Slim.Fast products to try out. The postie dropped this fab selection of goodies off today - as well as the iconic Slim.Fast shake powder, there are ready-to-drink shakes, meal replacement bars, a whole host of delicious-sounding savoury snacks (sour cream & chive flavoured pretzels, BBQ flavoured tortillas, cheddar flavoured bites) and even - get this ! - chocolate.

Slim.Fast say that it's easy as 3.2.1. Each day on the plan, you're allowed 3 snacks, 2 meal replacements (bars or shakes) and 1 sensible meal. That works out perfectly for me because I can throw a ready-to-drink shake or meal bar in my bag for work, along with a Slim.Fast snack and some fruit, but still eat the same food as the rest of the family in the evening. If you need some ideas for what they class as a sensible meal, there are some recipe suggestions on their website and it all sounds delicious - chicken curry, bangers & mash, enchiladas ... Nothing is off-limits so it should be really easy to stick to the plan. They even have a 7-day plan to start you off, if you're unsure, but the beauty of the programme is that you can mix and match to suit your needs and desires.

Watch this space and hopefully I'll have some good news to share over the coming weeks !

for more information :

Disclosure : I received the products in order to write an honest review and take part in the january challenge.


  1. Good luck on the SlimFast diet - I used to like their pre-mixed strawberry shakes, were actually quite nice straight out of the fridge! Sim x

    1. I think it's great to kickstart weightloss but not something that is along term solution. The ready to drink shakes and bars are great to throw in my bag when I have a busy lunchbreak though :)

  2. I used to use SlimFast when I was much younger. Great for the short term.

  3. I shall be interested to see how you get on, always wondered if I could cope with shakes and bars or if I would end up starving

    1. Surprisingly, I'm not hungry once I've had a shake - haven't tried the bars yet because they look less filling but I'll give them a go next week.

  4. All the very best f luck with this Cheryl, I actualuy like the Slimfast products and it always surpised me that with a glass of water the milkshake was enough to fill me. Mich x
