Friday 19 February 2016

Globecooking recipe : Home Fries with Green Peppers and Onions (USA)

As I had some leftover roast potatoes, I decided to google to see what I could do with them. Various mentions of Home Fries leapt out at me because it was what I ate for breakfast with a fried egg on our honeymoon in The States many years ago for the few days that we stayed at the YMCA in Boston. Yeah I know, living the life of luxury !

Home Fries with Green Peppers and Onions

ingredients :

drizzle of olive oil
a knob of butter
6 leftover roast potatoes
2 onions
1/2 green pepper
salt, pepper, smoked paprika, garlic powder

Heat up the olive oil and butter in a large pan or wok.

Chop the onions and green pepper. Put them in the pan to cook over a moderate heat. They need to go soft but not brown.

Meanwhile chop the potatoes into chunks. Add to the pan and continue cooking, stirring every now and then so they don't stick.

Season liberally with salt, pepper, smoked paprika, garlic powder and, if you fancy giving it a bit of a kick, chilli flakes.

Keep cooking, tossing it all around in the pan so that the spices cover everything uniformly, for about another 10-15 minutes, until the potato chunks start going golden and crispy.

I served this with Monterey Chicken (recipe on the way tomorrow) but in the Boston YMCA, this was breakfast with an egg sunny side up !

*** Don't miss my country-by-country globecooking recipe index ! ***

 If you want to try some more American recipes, how about Hoppin' John & Collards (South Carolina)Parmesan Chicken BreastMinnesotan Hotdish or Snickerdoodles ? 

Linking up with this month's #KitchenClearout linky


  1. looks lovely, great idea for using leftovers

  2. I love good old fried potatoes with onions, simple and so tasty
