Friday 19 February 2016

The Mini Weekend Box review

I'm sure you've heard of Weekend Box and their letterbox-friendly crafts and activity packs for 3-8 year olds. They are always themed and here at The Madhouse, we've reviewed their Wild West and Chinese New Year boxes and had lots of fun with them. Regular Weekend Boxes, now called Bumper Boxes, cost £7.50 and provide instructions and most of the materials for four activities - Something to Make (arts & crafts), Something to Bake (cooking activities), Something to Explore (sensory exploration activities) and Something Green (things to plant or up-cycle). After chatting to parents who said that they often didn't have time to finish all of the activities, Weekend Box have decided to provide smaller Mini Boxes, costing £4.95, providing the essentials for two fun and educational activities.

Pierre was delighted to receive one of the Mini Weekend Boxes to review. Look at the excitement on his face !

He immediately unpacked everything and tried to work out by feel what was hiding in the little bags of materials.

Turning to the instruction cards, we discovered that we'd be making a Parrot Mask and Growing a Rainforest - exciting !

There are also information cards and fun facts to help make it all even more educational.

The instruction cards are very child (and parent !) friendly with simple step-by-step photos to show you exactly what you need to do.

The Grow A Rainforest bag contained two pellets of soil, a few tomato seeds and a piece of string. We needed to rescue a plastic water bottle from the recycling bin to complete the materials.

Following the instructions was very simple. I started off making a slit in the bottle then Pierre cut it up, following the handy line in the plastic.

He carefully poured in the water, taking it all very seriously !

Then he unpeeled the soil pots and mashed them all up with a fork. With hindsight, I think we were supposed to use a small plastic bottle rather than a big one, so we added some extra soil from a grow bag in the garage.

A few minutes later, the Rainforest "Greenhouse" was ready and it is now in pride of place on the kitchen windowsill, where Pierre checks several times a day to see if anything is growing yet !

Time to move on to the Parrot Mask.

This involved lots of cutting and sticking.

Pierre managed to do this one all by himself with no input from me whatsoever. He was very pleased with his finished mask !

Mini Weekend Boxes arrive fortnightly but you can pause or cancel your boxes at any time - there are no contracts and no commitment and you are billed individually for each box. They cost £4.95 including free delivery, but you can try your first Weekend Box for free - use the promo code MADHOUSE when signing up at

Disclosure : We received a box in order to write an honest review.

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