Friday 19 February 2016

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 19/2

Back to school - boo ! Lots of cooking challenges to fit in this week, plus some simple dinners I could cook with my eyes closed to ease us back into routine.


lunch - probably McDonalds, if not spaghetti carbonara

dinner -  chilli with rice or baked potatoes


lunch - roast dinner

dinner - sandwiches or soup


dinner - chicken fried rice to use up the leftovers


dinner -  baked Spanish tortilla


lunch - fakeaway KFC with Actifry chips & coleslaw or BBQ beans

dinner - something in the slow cooker - maybe Greek lamb casserole


dinner - pork chops with roast root veg


dinner - chicken laksa

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !

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