Saturday 29 September 2012

New All-Natural Dairylea review

Bzz campaigns are a bit like buses (or should that be bzzes?!) - you can wait for ages for one to come along then several arrive at once ! I'm currently enrolled in three campaigns which I will be telling you about in upcoming blogposts and there are an amazing ten campaigns on the go at the moment (well, there were when I started writing this blogpost but it's been hanging around in my drafts folder for a while so there are now six !) so head on over to the Bzz agent website and sign up/check your campaigns and surveys if you haven't already. (I just discovered six new surveys to fill in too despite checking last week!)

The first of the three recent Bzz campaigns I was sent an invite for was for Dairylea. Dairylea has been around for absolutely donkeys' years and I've been eating it since I was a kid so I wasn't sure what I'd actually manage to find to tell you about it. Who has never eaten a Dairylea triangle? There can't be many of you (unless you can't eat dairy products or you're a vegan). But what I love about Bzz campaigns is that as well as introducing me to products and brands I've never heard of, sometimes they give me a fresh look at products I think I know inside out.

I was surprised to learn that Dairylea has been revamped and is now the first spreadable cheese made from all natural ingredients. The ingredients list is surprisingly free from E numbers and artificial additives, containing skimmed milk (water, skimmed milk powder) (44%), cheese (34%), butter, whey powder (from milk), concentrated natural lemon juice (from fresh lemons), milk proteins and stabiliser (sodium carbonate - needed to hold all the ingredients together). Even better news is that one Dairylea triangle contains just 43 calories (and only counts as 1 WeightWatchers ProPoint) which means that they're great news for adults watching their waistline as well as the kids !

So how do you eat yours ? They're a really versatile ingredient actually. We haven't tried squashing it between two crackers so it squishes out through the holes as in the picture above yet but it looks great fun ! I do love it spread on hot toast though or as a topping for a baked potato, topped off with a generous grind of black pepper. Stirring some into mashed potato makes it really creamy and is lower on the calories than butter and at Sophie's school canteen, they do salmon served with a sauce made of Dairylea melted in crème fraîche which is apparently delicious. Juliette loves using Dairylea to replace tomato puree as a pizza base too and it does taste surprisingly good.

What we would love to see in the future to complete the Dairylea range is a selection of flavoured cheese spreads - cheese & chive, cheese & ham, cheese & tomato, cheese & pickled onion just for starters. It would turn it into an even more versatile ingredient and sandwich filler.

star rating : 5/5

RRP : Dairylea spread £2 for 300g, £1.25 for 160g - Dairylea triangles £1.25 for 8 (140g), £1.95 for 16(280g)

for more information :

Disclosure : I'm a Bzzagent. I receive the product for free in order to give my honest opinion and vouchers or samples to pass on to friends to help spread the word. Find out more at

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  1. The fact that it is now all natural makes me want to buy it. I hate artificial stuff in cheese - not needed.

  2. Great that its all natural now!
