Friday 17 May 2013

It's World Baking Day Weekend - #bakebrave !

The big day is almost here - have I convinced you to Bake Brave yet?! I hope some of you will be trying out my Spiced Apple Cake (#level64). I've already had a go at the Hideaway Hearts Cupcakes (#level83 - click through to see how we got on !) but will I get any braver before the weekend is over?! Actually, I've been looking at some of the easier cakes and there are some utterly delicious recipes in there that I may have to try - the ones that leapt out at me were Lava Cakes(#level24), Bakewell Tart Biscuits (#level15) and Carlota's Cake (#level34). But I'm sure I'll find some more to try out when I have another look tomorrow !

If you fancy having a go, there is lots of activity going on over the weekend in various social media circles, including the chance to ask the baking ambassadors to answer questions about their cake recipes. I look forward to catching up with all you enthusiastic bakers, whatever your level - do let me know how you get on, if you try any of the recipes !

Here's an overview of all things World Baking Day that are going on online for the ambassadors, so make sure you come along and get involved too. (I know some have been and gone but you can still look out for them online !) :


EVENT 1 :  Bake-along playlist
Channel: Twitter/Google+
We want to make a music playlist for people to bake along to on World Baking Day. Tweet or post your suggestions to us and we’ll create a YouTube playlist especially for World Baking Day. Tag your post with #bakebrave

EVENT 2 : Ambassadors baking
Channel: Twitter/Facebook
Tell us which cake you will be baking for World Baking Day! Will it be your own level, or one higher? Tag your post with #bakebrave and your chosen level number, e.g. #level43


EVENT 1: Baking tips for your recipe
Channel: Twitter
Tweet your tips for your Bake Brave recipe and tag @worldbakingday. We’ll retweet the tips throughout the day. I.e. “For Level 1, the riper the bananas you use, the more banana flavour you will get in your muffins!” Tag your post with #bakebrave and your level number, e.g. #level43

EVENT 2 : World Baking Day Pinterest board
Channel: Pinterest
Create a new board on your Pinterest page all about World Baking Day! Pin your own cake on your board and any other recipes from the Bake Brave 100 that you’d like to bake bravely. Tag your post with #bakebrave and your level number, e.g. #level43

EVENT 3: Baking community
Channel: Google+
If you have a Google+ account, make sure to join our World Baking Day Community and post any images of your recipe or the cake you are baking. The Community is made up of many engaged bakers so we’d love to create as much conversation between our bakers here as possible. Tag your post with #bakebrave


EVENT 1: Match-maker
Channel: Twitter
We will monitor Twitter and find anyone from the public who pledges to bake your recipe. We will reply to them and tag you, so that they can contact you with any questions they may have on how to bake your recipe.

EVENT 2: Preparation for Sunday
Channel: Vines
For the more tech-savvy, download the Vine app onto your iPhone. Record Vines of your ingredients in preparation for World Baking Day. Post to Twitter and tag your post with #bakebrave and your level number, e.g. #level43 NB: remember to use margarine and please avoid showing any brand logos.

SUNDAY 19th MAY - WORLD BAKING DAY : Baking content
Channels: Twitter, Vine, Facebook, Pinterest and/or Google+ (everywhere!)
We want as many images/videos as possible of our Ambassadors baking on World Baking Day, so use your camera and share your images/videos with us! Some ideas of what you can take images/videos of are:
- Photo of you holding your cake
- Step by step photos
- Final cake creation
- Mess created in your kitchen
- Eating your cake!
Tag your post with #bakebrave and #yourlevelnumber

The official World Baking Day channels are as follows:
Twitter: @worldbakingday #bakebrave
Instagram: #bakebrave

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1 comment:

  1. You said the magic word... cake!! Ultimate favourite has to be lemon cake though :) Nom nom x
