Wednesday 3 July 2013

Five Valleys Coconut & Kaffir Lime Cordial review

I've said this before but one of the best things about being a blogger and receiving products to review is when I find a gorgeous product or brand that would have totally passed me by otherwise. One of those products is Five Valleys Cordials that I had never heard of until a couple of bottles turned up at The Madhouse.

You may remember I reviewed two of the flavours in my original review - Lemon & Mint and Pomegranate & Rose. They make lovely grown up soft drinks that are beautifully refreshing on hot summer's days (if we ever get any this year !) or they can be incorporate into cocktails and spritzers too. Then I got a bit adventurous and tried using them as ingredients in cooking too. Earlier in the week, the kids helped me make some Strawberry Drizzle Cupcakes and we added a glug of Pomegranate & Rose to give them a bit more punch. The Lemon & Mint was a lovely addition to raita and for World Baking Day, I made a fabulous (if I say so myself !) Dream Cake with three different colours and three different flavours using the Five Valleys Cordials.

Hang on, I hear you say, what's the third flavour then ? Aha, very observant of you ! Well, the clue is in the title of this blogpost. Those lovely people at Five Valleys sent me through a bottle of their Coconut & Kaffir Lime Cordial to review too and I love it just as much as the first two. I love drinking a big pint glass full of the cordial mixed with ice cubes and water when I'm hot and thirsty in the afternoon, but it's also lovely mixed with coke or pineapple juice as a non-alcoholic version of Malibu and Coke. It has a delicate, natural flavour and the lime and coconut complement each other perfectly.

Five Valleys have also come up with two new flavours - Peach & Lychee and Cherry & Beetroot. Peach & Lychee sounds like summer in a glass but Cherry & Beetroot sounds a bit strange, although lots of people who don't expect to like it apparently become huge fans. I'll be receiving a bottle of each of the new varieties to try out so watch this space to see what I think !

RP : £3.19 for 375ml

for more information :

Disclosure : I received some bottles of cordial in order to write an honest review.

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1 comment:

  1. ooh coconut and lime sounds terribly exotic... and also as if it might go well with Malibu. It would never occur to me to use it in a cake though - am tempted to now!
