Sunday 16 July 2017

New Year Resolutions week #28: A not-so-restful first week of the holidays

This week, for the first week of the holidays, I was planning on lots of lazy days, catching up on the blog/having a dejunk/baking/family history/reading/geocaching ... all those things that I have trouble fitting into a normal working week. That wasn't the way it panned out though. As this was the run up to the release of the Dunkirk film, everything went into overdrive this week and Sophie has been first in the queue for pretty much everything. On Wednesday, we had to go and queue up for a couple of hours at the local newspaper's office for free tickets to the avant-première on Monday night. On Thursday we had get to the town hall early where they were giving out film posters (first come first served, one per person). Yesterday, from 3-6pm, they were giving out bracelets for access to the fanzone next to the red carpet. Sophie started queuing at 8am. Her patience was rewarded though and she got a gold bracelet. So today, at 8.30am, she was out of the house to go and queue up to be one of the first into the "gold zone" and nab a good spot near the front. Hopefully, tonight, she'll get to see Christopher Nolan and some of the actors, including her favourite Harry Styles. And hopefully next week, when it's all over, I'll get the calm, lazy week I was hoping for this week !

1. Get Fit(bitting) !
It was a very uneven week. Two good days (15k and 13k steps), one bank holiday with Madhouse Daddy driving everywhere (a measly 3371 steps) and for the other days, around 8-9000 steps. Not bad but it should be more in the holidays.

2. Get cooking bookmarked recipes ! 
I worked through lots of bookmarked recipes this week - Blackberry Bibble, Tlayudas (Mexican pizzas), Bokkeumbap (Korean fried rice), Sardinian sausage & lentil stew, and a few others that I haven't had time to blog about yet. (I must start organising some scheduled posts for when we're away on holiday too - I'll add it to this week's to-do list!)

3. Get geocaching !
One find and one did not find this week. I couldn't find my cable for uploading the caches to my gps though, so that needs to be rectified this week !

4. Get comping !
No wins yet this month and I haven't entered many competitions either. Oh actually, that's a lie - we did win two tickets to go and see Dunkirk with the local paper. That counts !

2017 wins :
January : 4 wins - £20 shopping voucher, Mr Lee's noodles, Ambrosia trifle glasses, set of 5 books
 February : 1 win - tea & personalised mug (prize for Galina)
March - 1 win - a Bear Grylls adventure book
 April - 4 wins - a colouring bundle, And Then We Ran book, Aram book, 6 months supply of Hairburst vitamins
May - 1 win - £100 John Lewis voucher
June- 1 win -£10 Lovetoshop voucher
July - cinema tickets to see Dunkirk at the avant première

5. Get reading !
I finished The Darkest Room by Johan Theorin (click through for my review) and I've started The Teacher's Secret by Suzanne Leal.

6. Get FLYing !
The planned dejunk didn't happen but I have cleared pretty much everything off my to-do list : sorting out the visa for Turkey, booking the ferry, signing up Pierre for before/after school club and canteen, ...

8. Get bloggy housekeeping !
I've kept my emails cleared and draft posts are down from 408 to 404. Next week, I'll aim to get it down to below 400. What I hate about bloggy housekeeping though is that no sooner you sort out one thing, something else comes along to take its place. This week, I learnt that Photobucket image hosting has stopped you linking photos for free so I have to go back and sort out all the photos in my really old blogposts (which have been replaced with an ad for photobucket telling you there's a problem - classy !).

9. Get French !
Nothing to do but sit and wait now - it's out of my hands and going through the red-tape machine.

What about you? Did you set yourself any targets, challenges or new year's resolutions this year? How are they going? 


  1. Yes keeping active is my main one. I manage to decorate our living room earlier than expected. I read more books also this year. That's about it really.

  2. you have over 400 posts in draft??????? good grief woman. Have to say I rarekly draft them just usually write and upload.
    1 find is better than no finds

    1. My draft folder is where I keep my bookmarked recipes :)
