Sunday, 16 March 2025

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 12

Last week, I ended up coming down with a stinking rotten cold - probably the result of the changing weather that I mentioned last week. I fell asleep as soon as I got home after work on Thursday and ended up taking the day off and sleeping all day on Friday too. I'll be going back to work on Monday and will hopefully be fighting fit for all the end-of-term class meetings after school each day next week. Even the weekend will be busy as we'll be heading off to Cambrai (three hours away by train) to see the school that Pierre wants to go to next year. Here's what's on the menu this week.


lunch- something in town with Sophie

dinner - tacos


lunch- sausagemeat patties, rice and sweetcorn

dinner- fresh beefburgers and pasta


lunch- asparagus ravioli (from too good to go)

dinner- sausages, baby potatoes and coleslaw


lunch-something in town with Sophie (fridge diving for Pierre)

dinner- steak pies, mash and peas


lunch- school canteen (Pierre and Sophie can fend for themselves)

dinner - spaghetti carbonara


lunch- something in Cambrai with Pierre

dinner- probably takeaway as we'll be tired out when we get back


lunch- chicken, rice, veg and gravy

dinner - leftovers or cheese on toast

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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