Sunday 2 June 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 23

Another week done and dusted. Pierre got his braces put on on Monday morning and had to go back again in the afternoon because one of the links (I don't know what they're called) came off his tooth as soon as he got home. In the afternoon, he was tired so he went for a nap and when he woke up it had come off again. He was asleep, not even eating so I have no idea why it won't stick to his tooth. He's on an emergency appointment list now but we haven't heard back all week. He's managed to stick it in place with the protective gel so it doesn't annoy him but it's not doing anything. Nothing much else to report. The kids are being nightmares at work and have discovered the joy of hiding water pistols in their clothes and squirting them at people during lessons. I nabbed a couple of girls who were taken out of class and a couple more got caught in the corridors but there are more out there. They're selling them in town 3 for €1 so it's hardly surprising but a pain all the same. Only a few weeks to go ... breathe ! Here's this week's menu plan.


lunch- pasta with tomato, bacon, onions and mushrooms

dinner - chilli con carne with rice


lunch- pulled pork with rice and sweetcorn

dinner- leftover chilli with baked potatoes


lunch- leftover pulled pork with pasta

dinner- pork filet mignon with mash and leeks


lunch- school lunch for me, Pierre and Juliette can go fridge/freezer diving

dinner- fish, chips and peas


lunch- pasta carbonara

dinner - beefburgers and rice


lunch- Deliveroo or pizza

dinner- bacon and eggs with potato balls


lunch- spicy chicken and mushrooms with couscous

dinner - fricadelles (spicy sausages) with cheesy mash bake and peas/carrots

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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