Sunday, 2 December 2018

Giveaway #706 : Win The Not-So-New Mum's Notebook - closed - winner Lynne S.

Aimed at mums who have survived the first year of motherhood, The Not-So-New Mum's Notebook is filled with pages and pages of self-care, reassurance and "we've all been there" advice. It hopes to make mums everywhere feel good about themselves, to put them at ease and to reassure them about how well they are raising their child.

Subtitled "A journal for the toddler and pre-school years", the book is written by Amy Ransom, mum-of-three and creator of the Surviving Motherhood blog. It is not designed as a parenting guide - it is a book that sets out to nurture the mum, to share experiences and to give her a place to write down HER thoughts and feelings.

It is an opportunity for mums to look back on all that they have overcome - and loved - to empower them and give them strength when they're on the verge of tearing their hair out - and let's face it, that can happen a lot in the early years !

Along with oodles of pages to fill in, the book offers lots of advice, deals with day-to-day occurrences such as fancy dress ideas or birthday cake recipes, and looks at ways to make you feel better about yourself and get the most out of the weekend.

Sometimes, all you need to know as a mum is that it will all be OK and that generations of mothers have had the same thoughts as you. This book will help reassure and encourage, love and support any new(ish) mum, as well as giving her a place to scribble down thoughts, feelings and memories along the way.

RRP £16.99, Hutchinson, Hardback, published 6th September 2018

I have a copy of the book up for grabs for one lucky Madhouse Family Reviews reader. Fill in your entries in the Rafflecopter widget below.

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after 28 days, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray. Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. The winners' personal contact information will be passed on to the PR / Brand responsible and used only for delivery of their prize. 

You may also like to enter my other giveaways :

coming soon !


  1. I would keep this for myself! Very handy!

  2. I would give it to my friend

  3. I would give it to my sister.

  4. I would probably keep it , it looks very good

  5. I would love this for my daughter!

  6. It would be for a friend though I would be tempted to keep it myself.

  7. Fab, I love stuff like this. Count me in, please x

  8. This would be great for my step-daughter

  9. I would love this for myself - need to remind myself of all the achievements.

  10. It’s lovely, I’d give it to my best friend

  11. I'd like to say I'd give it to my sister in law, but in reality I'd probably keep it.

  12. I'd give this to my super-organised friend.

  13. Im very naughty, and would keep it !

  14. This would be very handy for me to use

  15. Love this, it would be very handy. I've entered :)

  16. I'd probably keep it for myself :)

  17. I'd keep it,it looks fab

  18. I'd want to keep for myself - exactly what I need

  19. It's great... id keep it for myself

  20. I would keep it. I wish I had something like this for my first when you really just need to know 'it's a phase' and 'it'll all be ok'.

  21. Fantastic giveaway. Thank you very much for the chance to win!

  22. Fantastic giveaway. Thank you very much for the chance to win! This would be a lovely surprise for my friend.

  23. I would give it to my sister. @leabana1

  24. I would give it to my sister in law

  25. I would give this to a friend at work. Thanks for the competition.

  26. My friend at work would really love this.

  27. id love this for my sister in law

  28. I have entered. I would love this for my daughter x


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