Sunday 5 June 2022

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 23

I can't keep up with the weather lately. We're going from blazing hot days to storms and chillier weather, so it's hard to know what to cook. I think I'll go for a mixed bag this week - actually I think I should start going through the freezer and having a clear-out in there. I'm not even sure what's in there at the moment but it's pretty full ! Monday is a bank holiday this week. I was thinking boo, that's the last one for a while, but then I realised - there are only four weeks of term left then it's the summer holidays anyway. Woohoo !


lunch- chicken burger, pasta, grilled tomatoes

dinner - filet mignon with a cream sauce, rice & carrots


lunch- canteen for me - leftovers for the kids

dinner- Provençal chicken with couscous & salad


lunch-  chipolatas, mash & beans

dinner- pork lomos, rice & mushrooms


lunch - meal with a friend for me/Sophie, canteen or leftovers for Juliette/Pierre

dinner- leftover chipolatas, chopped up, in pasta with red peppers, onions, mushrooms

lunch- leftovers or something from the freezer (Sophie will be in charge)

dinner - chicken gyro, rice & cucumber in cream salad


lunch- pork meatballs & pasta

dinner- chilli con carne & rice


lunch- chicken, gratin dauphinois (creamy potato bake) & salad

dinner- leftovers or toast

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Linking up with the Menu Plan Roundup over at Cats, Kids, Chaos

1 comment:

  1. The weather is crazy. I was out in just a tshirt a few days ago and now I'm sat here with a jumper on under a blanket watching the rain come down.
    Great meal plan. I had to Google what pork lomos was, it sounds tasty. Have a great week x


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