Monday 15 December 2014

Madhouse diaries : The Christmas Farm

As I told you yesterday, we headed off to sample the delights of Gravelines Christmas Market at the weekend.

One of the lovely features they have added that really appeals to the kids is the Christmas Farm or Ferme de Noël.

Obviously, it being Christmas, we started off with the Little Donkey !

The Madhouse kids all did a doubletake when Mrs Claus apeared and started talking to the animals. (Juliette and Pierre genuinely thought she was part of the farm, rather than just a visitor in a Santa hat !)

This mucky llama had managed to totally cover itself in bits of straw and leaves !

It's not really very Christmassy - this was the only wreath in the whole area - but it's still fun to go and stroke the animals.

I started saying they all looked like members of One Direction to annoy Sophie - this one is Zayn with the sticky-up hair !

And this chicken has bouffant Harry Styles hair !

The sheep looked cold, despite their wooly jumpers.

This goat was the only sensible one - he stayed in the hut out of the cold !

A couple of the ducks and geese did brave the freezing cold water in their little pond.

What do you call a reindeer with one eye? No idea. What do you call a reindeer with one eye and one leg? Still no idea ! What do you call a reindeer wearing ear muffs? Anything you want because he can't hear you !

OK, OK, I'll stop !! (But feel free to share any more really bad Christmassy jokes in the comments !)

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Madhouse diaries : Dunkirk's Christmas Decorations

#NickJrCraftmas project #6 : Santa Hat Cupcakes


  1. great photos, im loving the chickens hair do

  2. Christmas Farm looks nice. Animals can be so interesting, and fun to be around.

    Rachel Craig

  3. great pics of the farm it looks really good x


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