Friday, 6 January 2012

The evian® Alpine Experience hits the South Bank, London next week

This sounds like the perfect antidote to the hectic run up to Christmas, the stress of the big day and the over-doing-it on New Year's Eve. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it but let me know how you get on if you go. It sounds great fun !


The evian® Alpine Experience hits the South Bank, London
Wednesday 11th to Sunday 15th January

This January evian® is putting a fresh twist on the traditional New Year detox by shipping the positive spirit and tranquillity of its Alpine source to London in the form of a pure Alpine retreat.
With the post-Christmas and January blues setting in, evian® is transporting Londoners from the grimy crowded London cityscape to its pristine Alpine source, leaving them feeling purified and revitalised.
evian® is packing all of the best elements from The Alps into one derelict container and shipping it to London so participants can immerse themselves in a one-off pure experience. Londoners will be able to book in for a slot in the container via the evian® UK Facebook page. Each 45 minute journey is designed to stimulate your five senses - leaving you feeling purified through sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
From bursts of fresh mountain top air and the fragrant scent of an Alpine forest, to the warmth of a cosy log fire with stunning views over The Alps, consumers will be transported to the untouched source of evian® Natural Mineral Water for the ultimate purifying experience.

The purifying eating and drinking journey, includes cleansing 'snow melt' concoctions and edible purifying creations such as liquid nitrogen nibbles - the grey English Winter never felt further away as enjoy whilst gazing across stunning views of the Alps! All cocktails and canapés have evian® right at the heart - Natural untouched Mineral Water straight from The Alps.

From liquid nitrogen infused Alpine Air Crunch Bites designed to cleanse the palette and the body with antioxidants, to a rush of bubbles which burst to release a pure flavour and stimulating aroma, and a refreshing evian® Snow Melt mocktail, consumers will be educated on the health benefits that Natural Mineral Water has for your body.

For the first time ever, evian® will open a retreat for consumers with an interactive online twist. Six guests at a time will enter into the space and sit in the luxury surroundings of the cosy wooden Alpine lodge - with the scenery interchangeable by online Facebook polls, with fans able to trigger a snowball fight, send in a troop of lederhosen dancers or even a litter of huskie puppies. All experiences are designed to provide some light relief for consumers, leaving them feeling relaxed and happy, purifying them in unexpected ways.

The space is open from 11th to 15th January - the perfect time to purify your body and mind after the indulgences of the festive period.

To find out more and to apply for a slot for you and up to five friends go to

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New Year's Resolution Part 1 : The Thinking Slimmer Slimpod
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