Thursday 18 September 2014

ALDI changing bag review

If you're a yummy mummy with bags of style, you might want to head off to ALDI quick sharp because they've got bags WITH style on a Specialbuy offer as of today. To celebrate the launch of their new Maternity range, they sent us one through to try out. 

I may be out of the baby age range (with no intention of jumping back in, thank you very much !) but it's still a fabulous bag for our numerous trips out, with plenty of room for stashing kiddie snacks and drinks, jumpers or coats when it gets too hot, soft toys that absolutely had to come along for the adventure but that Pierre can't be bothered to carry any more and numerous other bits and bobs that we might need.

It's a well though-out bag with lots of handy compartments, a detachable strap and a changing mat. It's also waterproof, which makes it easy to keep it clean.

The bags, which cost £14.99, hit the stores today, along with various other items from the maternity range, including buggies, car seats, maternity clothes and baby essentials such as nappies and wipes,  and will only be available while stocks last, so get in quick if you don't want to miss out !

Disclosure : I received the bag in order to write an honest review.

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  1. Loads of my friends have been buying these bags, and have said they are so good for the price and that you wouldn't think they are from Aldi. x

  2. im surprised to see aldi selling maternity clothes, range looks great though


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