Friday 12 September 2014

Science4you Soap Factory review

Sophie's eyes lit up when this Soap Factory kit arrived from Science4you, especially when I nominated her chief tester !

The kit contains everything you need to create homemade soaps, including soap base, dyes, perfume, glitter and a detailed instruction booklet that has several pages explaining where soap comes from and how it is made, in terms of manufacture and science - it's very educational and interesting for any budding scientist.

There are also a very fetching pair of safety goggles and rubber gloves in the box. (Every time Sophie puts the gloves on, there's air trapped in them which makes her look like she's got Mickey Mouse hands - always good for a giggle !)

Once she'd got the air out of her gloves, she was off, unpacking everything and seeing what was what.

The actual process is very simple. Just chop off some of the soap base and put it in a glass or plastic beaker (the only thing missing in the kit - we used a glass).

After melting it in the microwave, you can add any extras you desire - colour (in powder form), a choice of mandarine or apple perfume (very strong so you only need a drop - they smell lovely) and, if you so desire (and, of course, the Madhouse mini-testers did !) two little bottles of glitter.

You pour the mixture into one of the three moulds (fish, shell or seahorse) and two hours later, you have a homemade soap - how cool is that?

It's a brilliant kit that will be needing refills very soon - I'll have to go and find out if you can buy the soap base separately !

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £19.99

for more information :

Disclosure : I received the product in order to write an honest review.

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1 comment:

  1. this looks fun, looking for some inspiration for christmas


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