Friday, 24 July 2015

Giveaway #495 : Win a trio of Timmy Failure books - closed - winner Sheena Read

"Meet Timmy Failure, founder of the "best" detective agency in town - Total Failure, Inc. With the help of his polar bear, Total, the clueless, comically self-confident Timmy already has plans for world domination. Plans that will make his mother rich and unpaid bills a thing of the past. And plans that will defeat Corrina Corrina, "The One Whose Name Shall Not Be Uttered". But she's not going away. Riotously funny, Timmy Failure is sure to have readers in stitches."

I shared my review of the first two Timmy Failure books earlier in the week - we loved the silliness of the situations he gets himself into, his total failure to see the things that are staring him in the face and the oodles of illustrations that break up the text, making it the perfect series for beginner or reluctant readers.

The publishers have kindly offered to send a set of the first three Timmy Failure books to one lucky Madhouse Family Reviews reader. Fill in your entries in the Rafflecopter widget below.

UK only. Closing date : 1/8/15

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook, twitter and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after a week, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray !


  1. Trying a new recipe and not one of us liked it massive dinner fail.

  2. going to work without my laptop

  3. I have followed, fingers crossed

  4. Attempting to make proffiteroles, they came out more like hot dog rolls lol!!

  5. rice, lol i was cooking rice and accidenly tipped the whole tub of salt in the pan!

  6. Cooking a roast without putting the oven on

    Kay Panayi

  7. quite appropriate this morning i dropped my glasses down the toilet

  8. making scrambled egg without the eggs!!!

  9. Had several lately trying to make gluten free cakes.

  10. A not so good batch of fairy cakes!


  11. starting novels but read only the first page

  12. I wasn't really paying attention when I was taking the bin liner out of the bin and didn't notice the big hole until most of the rubbish was all over the kitchen floor - total fai!

  13. The latest round of dieting, I put on 4 pounds...

  14. Leaving the only carton of milk out overnight! No cereal for anyone !

  15. I like to try different crafts and having seen some hammered spoons & cutlery made into plant inserts I tried to have a go. Unfortunately the spoon was so hard I could only make a slight dent in it when the intention was to get it flat. At least I tried.

  16. I recently failed one of my university courses. I'm a bit annoyed at myself as I now ralise what I did wrong in the exam to bring me down x

  17. I love cooking main dishes and some baking but always burn attempted biscuits!!!!!
    Spencer Broadley

  18. Paula Readings25 July 2015 at 14:42

    I'm in, Thanks.

  19. My most recent failure was drawing a dinosaur that was acceptable to my son! :-)

  20. Jodie Holyoake25 July 2015 at 19:48

    My biggest/most recent failure was yesterday when I baked some cupcakes but they came out flat + horrible! Still don't know what I did wrong!

  21. Samantha Wheeler25 July 2015 at 20:18

    Creating the Batman logo for the top of my husband's birthday cake!

  22. Burning the sausages for last night's tea and trying to convince my son they were supposed to look like that, huge fail!

  23. Alexa Schoolar25 July 2015 at 22:06

    making brownies and forgetting the flour

  24. Freaking out as I thought my phone was broken when it wasn't charging but the socket wasn't switched on!

  25. I can't think of anything at the moment but I suppose that in itself is a fail! :)

  26. Elizabeth Hinds26 July 2015 at 13:58

    I opened a door on my head yesterday! I'm now sporting a lovely big bruise on my forehead, oh dear!

  27. Making flat yorkshire puddings for grandson, plan B I had some Aunt Bessie ones in freezer

  28. Taking my son out without wellies on & it chucked it down. Took him out the following day in a full waterproof suit & wellies & it was dry & sunny, doh!

  29. I bought an I'll advised jumpsuit. I'm a size 16, what was I thinking!

  30. Thinking a house move wouldn't be stressful ... how wrong am i at the moment :-0

  31. I made a chocolate cake and it didn't cook properly in the middle and collapsed when I took it out.

  32. My daughter would love these books!

  33. Trying to sort out son's toys and failing to get rid of anything.

  34. Tried to make Tzatziki, total failure!! Texture was like juice...

  35. I went to the dentists yesterday for a check-up.........I've got to have a filling :(

  36. Not getting a job I went for :( x

  37. putting my clothes on back to front

  38. burning a chocolate pudding!

  39. l have entered lovely giveaway

  40. Never ever say you've failed at something - just tell yourself you've completed it a little different :)

  41. Years ago, while taking a motorbike driving test, I was told to do a figure-of-8 around a housing estate but I managed to get lost and found myself on an A road heading for Northampton. By sheer luck I found my way back to the examiner, stood in the pouring rain, awarding me a big Fail!

  42. I made a cake and didn't realise I was supposed to use two tins. Half the mixture was welded onto the bottom of the oven but what cake was left in the tin was delicious!

  43. Cleaning my windows to a streak-free shine failed as usual

  44. Cutting through the cable whilst using the hedge trimmer

  45. you dont fail you just learn by your mistakes

  46. Forgetting to buy milk so everyone will be having toast tomorrow morning.

  47. Not making it to work the other day as I fell down my front step and twisted my ankle.

  48. poured orange juice instead of milk into everyones drinks - thought i could cover up by just adding the milk on top - it curdled

  49. My biggest failure was getting fired from a Saturday job in a bakery when I was about 15, I still don't now what I did wrong!

  50. I let a neighbour being an idiot get to me Dxx

  51. I can't think of any recent failures.

  52. Entered.
    I lost the lens from an expensive pair of sunglasses by wearing them on my head instead of on my face so I didn't notice until it was too late.

  53. Entered :)

    Mine was carrying a box of eggs home very, very carefully and then managing to break two of them as soon as I got home!

  54. My biggest failure this week happens to have taken place yesterday, when I decided to take my 2 girls out for the day on a train whilst my husband was in work. After successfully purchasing tickets and finding the right platform, the train arrives and on we get. Ten minutes into the journey we discover we had got on the wrong train and were headed in the totally wrong direction!

  55. cooking a flat sponge cake

  56. I gave myself an electric shock with the hedge trimmers!

  57. sold something on ebay and sent to wrong person

  58. Trying to get both kids to bed at a reasonable time last night without hubby :)

  59. My latest failure has been trying to diet :(

  60. My cold meatball and fried egg breakfast wasn't well received this morning...

  61. forgetting to take my bag to the shops :)

  62. Forgot to put yeast in my bread mix.

  63. Forgetting to add sugar to the fairy cake mixture!

  64. my biggest hugest failure was baking a carrot cake for a work bake off only my cake looked lovely but when cut it was raw on the inside yuk"

  65. adding washing up liquid to cake mixture instead of oil

  66. Washing the peg bag along with the pegs by accident


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