Sunday 1 January 2012

Chiquita Super Crunchy 100% Fruit Chips review

Last night for New Year's Eve, we stayed home at The Madhouse with the kids, letting them open the pile of Christmas presents that had stayed behind in France under the tree (we're not mean, there wasn't enough room in the car!), drink Shloer in posh glasses (how grown-up does that make them feel ?!) and graze on a finger-food buffet. There were smoked salmon or foie gras canapés for the grown ups, mini pizzas for the kids, cheese, ham and pineapple on sticks, cocktail sausages, olives, cherry tomatoes, prawns, cream cheese filled crab sticks ... and to replace the ubiquitous crisps, I filled a bowl with the Chiquita dried fruit chips that we had received to review. You can see them on the far left on the photo below.

I'd been warned by a blogger friend that these tasted like cardboard (!) so I wasn't sure what kind of reception they would get but I wanted to give them a try because they're so much healthier than the normal crisps and peanuts. Well, the kids loved them and when I had a taste, I was pleasantly surprised too. They're crunchy (the label promises that they are "super crunchy"), very sweet and taste really fruity, with much more flavour than similar dried fruit chips that we've tried in the past. I didn't find them dry or cardboardy at all !

We had three bags so that we could try out the three different varieties available - banana, pineapple and mixed fruit (containing a mixture of banana, pineapple and mango). They all went down well but the Madhouse mini-testers' favourite was the pineapple because it was the sweetest. Sophie said that she'd be happy to eat these instead of sweets or crisps, which is brilliant news, as they are made with naturally dried 100% fruit. They're fat free and have no added sugar.

The sachets are ideal for keeping in your handbag for snacks on the go or popping in the children's lunchbox. They're the perfect alternative to sweets, crisps and biscuits for anyone trying to be health-conscious for their New Year's resolution. I wanted to tell you the number of calories but the bags got thrown away with the wrapping paper and I can't find any information about them online, I'm afraid. (UPDATE : The banana flavour contains 88 calories per bag.)

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : 97p for 25g from Asda

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1 comment:

  1. Yum. Maybe my kids aversion to anything healthy would go if I gave these a try.


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