Cheap Cookie Cutters sounds a bit of an insult - we're used to saying cheap and cheerful, cheap and nasty, cheap and tacky. Cheap doesn't usually have good connotations. But Cheap Cookie Cutters is the name of the company so don't blame me ! As they explain on their website : "Cheap Cookie Cutters is a family-owned business based in Tampa, Florida. is owned and operated by Chris Mueller and his girlfriend Karrie Pettit." Now call me a cynic, but when I hear that a company is based on one person, or a couple, alarm bells start ringing in my head, telling me that I'll send my money and never hear from them again ! Well, let me reassure you - they may be a small company but they are very serious and I did get my cookie cutters really quickly, especially as they were coming all the way from the States which usually takes ages.

I was sent the miniature Christmas set to review. The website says : "Looking for a miniature Christmas cookie cutter set? This one is perfect and includes a mini Christmas tree, mini stocking, mini candy cane, and mini angel cookie cutter. They are approximately 2 inches tall. Buy one today." I have to admit, I would have liked a bit more information if I was about to place an order. What are they made of ? Washing instructions ? Anything else I need to know ? Well, in their FAQs, they tell us : "What material are your cookie cutters made from? Most of our cookie cutters are made of tin. Some are aluminum, and some (very few) are plastic." Well, OK, but which ones are these ones that I'm about to buy ?!
Lack of information aside, they deliver exactly what's written on the box (or rather on the website description). You get cheap cookie cutters, they do what they're designed for but you get no fancy trimmings or luxurious packaging. Testing them with the girls, they did the job just fine - and Juliette loved the fact that the Christmas stocking looked like a letter J so she could claim all the stocking-shaped cookies as hers !! They're solid enough for some gentle cookie-making but if you press the sides, you could easily bend them out of shape so don't be too rough ! Basically, they're just like any cheap cookie cutters you could buy in any highstreet store.
What really impressed me on the website, however, was the range of really different, original designs that I've never seen anywhere else. Maybe it's because there is less choice in Europe but I was blown away by the wide range of Disney cutters (I love the Cinderella castle one) and the cartoon character designs would have the girls squealing in delight : Spongebob Squarepants, vintage Sesame Street, Scooby Doo, Hello Kitty, Garfield ... all their favourites are there ! You wouldn't find the patriotic cutters anywhere in Europe to my knowledge (there's a bald eagle, Abraham Lincoln, the Washington Capitol building, ... how cool is that ?!). And it may cost a whopping $129.99 but it would be so cool to own a set of cookie cutters in the shapes of all the US states - you could teach the kids geography as they ate !
Even better than all that is that you could have your own totally unique cutter : "Looking for a custom cookie cutter? Cheap Cookie Cutters can make about any custom cookie cutters that you want. Contact us today for a price quote."
If you love making quirky cookies, you'll find everything you ever dreamed of here. In fact, they should change their name from Cheap Cookie Cutters to Quirky Cookie Cutters !
star rating : 4/5
star rating : 4/5
for more information and to buy online :