Wednesday, 3 October 2012

WeightWatchers Refreshing Rosé Wine review

If I asked you to make a note of the all the products you were most sad to have to give up when watching your weight, I'm sure many of you would put cake, biscuits, chocolate and alcohol on your lists. Well, I've already told you about the surprisingly indulgent range of sweet snacks that WeightWatchers have been sending through for me to try out, but I was amazed to see that they also have wine on their product list. They sent me through a bottle of WeightWatchers Refreshing Rosé Wine to review.

I cracked open the bottle for Sunday lunch and poured myself a glassful, which Madhouse Daddy Mike wanted to taste. I was expecting him to turn his nose up at it for a number of reasons - firstly, the WeightWatchers label (he's not watching his weight so would automatically look down on a low-calorie version), secondly it's rosé and he's more into full-bodied reds, thirdly it has a screw cap and he thinks all good wines need a corkscrew and finally (but probably most importantly) it's not French, it's German. He's French, what do you expect ?! But despite all that, I was surprised to hear him say that it was "not bad actually" (that's pretty good, coming from him !).

I had a taste and thought it was very palatable - very fruity and, as the name says, certainly refreshing. It doesn't seem too heavy on the alcohol - I've just checked and it contains 9% alcohol which is lower than many rosé wines  - so I had no hangover and was still up for running around at the park with the kids after a couple of glasses without falling over !

A 125ml glass contains 80 calories and 2 ProPoints, according to the label. (The WeightWatchers website mentions 1 ProPoint per glass but this appears to be the old ProPoints system - the ProPoints tracker also has it as 2 points per glass.) It has generic rosé wine as 3 ProPoints per glass so you're saving yourself one point per glass - that could soon add up if you're having several glasses.

The light and refreshing taste is ideally suited to the sort of foods you're likely to be eating on a weightloss programme - salads, chicken and fish. If you're having the girls over for lunch and you're all watching your weight, they'll love you forever but the guys probably won't be so impressed with the WeightWatchers label !

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £5.89 for 75cl,  £1.99 for 18.7cl

for more information :

Disclosure : I have been given a year's membership to Weight Watchers Online and receive monthly hampers of products in return for honest reviews. 


  1. i think this sounds great will def be on the lookout for it when i am shopping next

  2. A way of feeling virtuous while having the wine - I might try it

  3. i hear it tastes great! debra barratt


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