Sunday 2 December 2012

Sunday weigh-in : Are the scales falling from my eyes?

Well, last week I was expecting a bad week and had a lovely surprise when I jumped on the scales. This week, I was expcting a good week - I've been eating loads of soup in the evenings and haven't been over-indulging - and I had a nasty shock when I jumped on the scales. A gain of 1.2kg.

So where did I go wrong? Well, nowhere. Sandra at Thinking Slimmer has been trying to convince me (along with everyone else) to ditch the scales recently and Jane at 7hippopotamus has done just that and is feeling loads happier. But I'm a bit of a scales junkie. On a good week, they provide reassurance and validation of my efforts. On a bad week, if I decide to ditch them, I'm just cheating and lying to myself.

Or maybe not. In her recent Scrap The Scales blogpost, Sandra explains that the number on the scales can have very little to do with real progress you're making so it shouldn't be the be all and end all of your week. It can be a handy guide but it's just ONE thing to look at in the bigger picture - how your clothes feel, the changing body shape that you see in the mirror and, above all, thinking about your week and knowing if you've made good choices or not are all more important.

I may have put on 1.2kg this week but I know I've been making healthy choices. (The only thing that may have been my downfall is the copious amount of ultra-sweet cough syrup I've been taking.) On the other hand, I'm wearing a top that was too tight a few weeks ago and my watch (which has a metal, fixed-size bracelet) keeps turning upside down on my wrist which is very annoying but also strangely satisfying !

This all feels like looking for excuses but I also think it's that time of the month. Having got into the (bad) habit of jumping on the scales every morning, I know I had already gained 1kg on Monday morning, just one day after my fab weigh-in. Sandra cheers me up here, saying : "If you’re two pounds heavier it’s not going to be from eating: You’d have to eat roughly 4,000 calories more than you were burning to put that much on in 24 hours and that’s almost impossible."

I'd like to say I'll ditch the scales completely but I know I won't be able to resist sneaking a few checks in during the week. I am, however, going to totally ignore what they are saying this week. I know I did everything right so ya-boo-sucks to the scales !

STILL TO GO : 13.9kg

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Good luck to everyone else in the weight-loss gang and, for all you SlimPodders or would-be Slimpodders, there is a weekly #SlimPodClub twitter party at @ThinkingSlimmer at 8.30pm on Tuesdays which is a great place to compare notes, get advice and share weightloss tips and success stories. :)

 Our fab linky is back this week so feel free to join in and link up your posts, or just click through to see how everybody else did this week.

Disclosure : I'm currently using a Thinking Slimmer SlimPod and a WeightWatchers Online subscription, in return for honest feedback. I also receive regular hampers of WeightWatchers products, and have also benefitted from a one-month Jenny Craig trial.


  1. I think definitely weighing yourself once a week or less is the main thing, you're in it for the long haul so a longer term view might be helpful. The etch is a great guide though, there's not much fat on the wrist so it's a great sign of your overall loss.

    1. Plus thinking about it, I already went to the jewellers a while back to have one link removed - think I'll have to do it again !

  2. Love it! I get like that sometimes and you're right weight fluctuates every day and throughout the day so it isn't the only way to judge how you're doing. You're doing great x

    1. Thanks - just really disappointing that all the huge markers from the last two weeks have gone poof. Oh well, I can do them again now ! lol

  3. Well done so far! Have you tried measuring yourself - waist , hips - you might find you have lost there.

    1. Yes, I started that a couple of weeks back - no change this week :)

  4. Losing the scales for me last week really helped. It's almost like taking a step back and forgetting and the you get a chance to subconsciously focus on what's right for you.

    1. great advice - I just need to follow it now ! lol

  5. It's great news about your watch :)
    I promised myself not to weigh in at home since joining SW and so far I've kept the promise. I know if I weighed inbetween my regular weigh in it would mess with my head. It so hard not to jump on them the morning before I go to group though!

    Good luck for next week xx

    1. You're doing really well :) It's just a blip, overall I'm still doing great anyway :)

  6. You're doing fab Cheryl, but don't let the scales spoil it for you. For me if I'd tried hard then stepped on the scales to find I'd gained it would just spoil the rest of my day.
    And it's silly really as sometimes those gains are just your body holding on to a little more water. I'd then try and make myself feel better by eating chocolate/biscuits/crisps.
    You've got a slimpod to help you, scales won't. Why not give the scales a total miss for the next two weeks or so and just see if it helps?
    Good luck xx

    1. I know you're right but I kinda understand what people feel like when they want to give up smoking now !! lol

  7. You are still doing fab, look at how much you have lost. I have given up on my scales now as they never are right, I am sure my son twiddles them and does odd things to the wii. Good luck next week

  8. You're doing well and the scales are only one way to check wieght loss, if you feel your clothes getting looser that's the best sign things are going well. I have lost 5 stone so my on my weight loss journey and another 5 to go, it's slow going sometimes but there are times when i go for weeks barely loosing any weight butmy clothes tell me i'm doing well and i definately feel better.

  9. I am a scales junkie too - ditching them does sound like a good idea - if I put on weight this week then I may do this til after Xmas x


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