Monday 19 August 2013

I've had a visit from the Happy Badger !

No, I haven't gone stark raving bonkers so don't go running off to call the men in white coats, my blog really has had a visit from the Happy Badger ! If you're a blogger, you probably know all about him already - if you don't, you can find out more and ask for a visit to your own blog here - but for those who have never heard of him, let me explain. The Happy Badger is a wonderful new initiative from ao - formerly known as Appliances Online - who are giving bloggers the opportunity to donate £50 to a charity of their choice. I was very excited to get involved, then couldn't decide which charity to support.

I eventually decided to support Refuge, a charity that helps women and children who are victims of domestic abuse. As the recent Nigella Lawson story illustrated, domestic abuse can happen to anyone. Fortunately for Nigella, she had the finanicial means to immediately move out with her kids and find a new safe haven, but many women don't have anywhere to turn. For more information about Refuge and the fabulous work they do, head over to

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