Tuesday 1 March 2016

Bake Mum's Day with Dr Oetker !

With Mother's Day on the way at the end of the week, Dr Oetker got in touch with a fun challenge for the Madhouse kids - recreating one of the Easy Peasy Recipes for Mother's Day from their new recipe book, Bake Mum’s Day, created with GBBO’s Ian Cumming. (Click through to download the free book on the Dr Oetker website.) They are encouraging kids to join up with dad, big sister or granny to bake a tasty treat for mum on her special day.

They sent us through a fabulous selection of their baking goodies, including some that we'd never seen before, such as cupcake centres, egg white powder, Sicilian lemon essence and heart marshmallows. We'll certainly be having lots of fun experimenting with these.

They even provided some funky red bakeware for my mini master bakers (who obviously forgot all about it when they got stuck in !).

After flicking through the recipe book (and licking their lips at the tasty delights inside), the Madhouse kids decided that they wanted to try making the Lovely Strawberry Sandwich Cake.

Now, this cake has a very surprising secret ingredient in it - strawberry jelly ! That's certainly a technique we've never tried before and the kids were delighted to discover that it only required half a jelly, so they excitedly gobbled up the rest of the cubes before getting on with the cake.

Pierre wanted to do everything by himself, starting off by cutting up the jelly.

After creaming together the butter and sugar, he cracked in the eggs and stirred in the vanilla essence and half of the jelly. There's some serious concentration going on there !

Juliette wanted to get involved and measured out the flour and baking powder, before mixing it all together and adding the rest of the jelly water.

I loved watching them working together - I've taught them well !

Off to the oven. 

After removing the cakes from the tins and putting them on a cooling rack, I helped them sandwich them together with strawberry jam and squirty cream, but then I was banished from the kitchen as they decorated it with chocolate and marshmallow hearts, as well as a huge pile of fresh strawberries.

How's that for a special cake to make any mum feel pampered ?

Pierre was exceptionally proud of his masterpiece.

Especially when I said that I'd need his help to eat it ! Sadly the washing up and the cleaning of the kitchen didn't seem to be part of the package. I'll have to have a word before next Sunday !

For the other fun and easy Mother's Day recipes from Dr. Oetker, be sure to download the free recipe book here, and start giving some hints to your kids to get baking! You can also get involved and share your bakes on Twitter @DrOetkerBakes using #BakeMumsDay.

Disclosure : We received a baking hamper in order to try one of the recipes. 

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