Wednesday 12 November 2014

DVD review : Earth To Echo

*** Don't miss my giveaway where you can win 3 copies of the DVD ***

Last month, after stumbling across it on TV, we all sat down to watch ET, a classic movie that I loved in my youth that the Madhouse kids had never seen before. I couldn't help but wonder what a modernised version of the film would be like - what would the Speak & Spell game from the Communicator be replaced by ? Despite its retro feel, the Madhouse kids loved it.

Well, when I sat down to watch our preview disc of Earth To Echo, I didn't really have any idea of what the film was about, but it instantly had the ET-vibe : a group of kids running around behind their parents' backs (why do the parents never notice when their kids are out on the loose at all hours ?!) investigating mysterious happenings in the neighbourhood. It all begins when all the mobile phones in their specific area go wrong with the screen looking, as the kids say in the film, "as if it has barfed on itself "! Searching on online forums reveals that the "barf" pattern is in fact a map of the desert, which leads them to a friendly alien who needs their help.

Sound familiar? Well yes, it does have serious overtones of ET, although the alien looks more like a robotic owl. The fact that the kids all have mobile phones, use internet for research and film all their escapades for youtube probably make it more appealing to the modern generation though.

It's a fun family movie that is enjoyable if you watch it at face value and don't keep comparing it to ET ! Have a look at the trailer to see what you think.

If you like the look of it, don't go away - I have a giveaway coming right up where you can win three copies of the DVD.

star rating : 4/5

Release date: 17th November 2014
Cert: PG
RRP: £19.99 (DVD) / £24.99 (Blu-ray)

Disclosure : We received a preview disc in order to write an honest review.

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