Sunday 30 November 2014

Giveaway #443 : Win 2 x The Art of Being A Brilliant Teenager - closed - winners Lynn Fancy, Samantha Ripley O' Donnell

*** Click through to read our review of the book ! ***

Everyone is familiar with the cliché of the typical teenager who stays in their bedroom, grunting and grumbling about life, homework, parents and relationships. Although normal behaviour at this age, it’s important that this attitude doesn’t become a defining personality trait throughout life.

This book is a guide to starting the journey to an ideal life as a teen, instead of wasting time being a drip.

The Art of Being A Brilliant Teenager helps support young people to become the very best version of themselves—and shows them how to figure out who that is, exactly. Written by experts in the art of happiness and positive psychology, this new book will help teenagers become brilliant at school, work and life in general. They will learn to stay cool under all the pressures they’re facing and plot a map for the future that takes them wherever it is they want to go.

The Art of Being A Brilliant Teenager will help young readers:

Discover who they are and what they want out of life
Stop moaning and get moving now, while there's plenty of time
Lose their bad habits before they become part of their personality
Figure out how they want to contribute and find a way to do it

This is a book for ambitious teens who are ready to become proactive, determined, successful and most importantly: happy! And for parents and teachers desperate to turn a down-beat teenager into a ray of positivity and delight, How to Be a Brilliant Teenager is here to help.

What the official blurb fails to mention is that it is also a hilarious read that will have teen readers (and quite probably their parents) sniggering at the numerous jokes and illustrations too !

The publishers have kindly offered to send a copy of the book to two lucky Madhouse Family Reviews readers - perfect for popping in your teen's Christmas stocking to kick off some New Year's resolutions ! Fill in your entries in the Rafflecopter widget below :

UK only. Closing date : 13/12/14

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook, twitter and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after a week, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray !

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  1. My eldest son turns 12 on his next birthday so he is not a teenager yet (but often acts like one!). Apparently when I was a teenager, I had a bad habit of twisting my hair when I was anxious or nervous - Iuckily I grew out of it before I started pulling my hair out!

  2. I was really bad, I worry about how my girls will turn out

  3. My worst habit was playing music too loud! (email cjreardon address in Rafflecopter)

  4. Mine was having friends round when mum was away and havin heavy metal parties
    (Spencer Broadley)

  5. She's totally dipsy and forgetful, which drives me crazy as I'm so organised, but apart from that, she's pretty good really!

  6. I'm sure I had many - not that I could see any of them! :)

  7. my son seems unable to turn lights off, middle of day all lights on

  8. Pam Francis Gregory8 December 2014 at 20:08

    Not washing!

  9. leaving every light on in the house

  10. alas I was a door slammer

  11. My teen leaves his dirty socks around the house and I have to find them by following the odour.

  12. Hard to pick just one but leaving their coats on the floor in the middle of the room when they come in the house!

  13. Mine as a teenager was dawdling, so I was always late for everything. Now my daughter (almost a teenager) is just the same!

  14. I have entered in my Wife's Name: Fay McClaren

  15. My daughter hates tidying her room at it really annoys me

  16. Leaving things to the last minute and then putting too much pressure on herself

  17. my 12 year old has started grumping back at us shes changed so much last few mths

  18. My stepdaughter just grunts when you ask her a question, a bit like pulling teeth.

  19. I have 3 teenagers at the moment, where do I start with the bad habits? Probably the air around them all that they know best and what you are saying can't possibly be good advice, drives me nuts!

  20. I have made a mistake inputting my email address but the rafflecopter won't let me edit it, I am subscribed

  21. My worst habit was treating the house like a hotel as my parents would say.

  22. leaving towels on the floor in the bathroom!

  23. My son's mumbling - he started this annoying way of talking - almost as if he wanted to say something through closed mouth.

  24. My daughter is nearly 12 im dreading the fall outs as she gets older as the things that wind me up are the same things i did to my parents. I now apologise to my own parents it must be payback time ;)

  25. My daughter (who's 12 going on 35) mumbles and when I ask her to repeat it she says - it doesn't matter. That and leaving cups and beakers upstairs and not putting rubbish in the bin, really annoy me, I fear there is worse to come though!


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