Wednesday 8 January 2014

Butterfly Protector Lottie review

When we first reviewed Lottie dolls back in October 2012 - I've just been having a blast from the past reading that review, Juliette looks so young ! - I loved the concept but I wasn't sure how a small company would survive, taking on the big brands. Well, I was delighted to see that they've gone from strength to strength, winning 15 awards in the USA, UK and Canada and are now selling in 14 countries. That's an amazing achievement !

Lottie has stayed true to her original concept, offering a "childlike" body with no make up, jewellery or high heels. Rather than being interested in fashion, Lottie loves wholesome activities such as sports, nature and outdoor pursuits. She's a great role model for little girls.

A further six Lottie dolls were added to the collection in 2013 (in addition to the original six). Here's what the creators have to say about them :

1. Butterfly Protector: Butterfly Protector Lottie introduces science in a fun and engaging way as the doll box contains ‘collector cards’ detailing the stages of the butterfly life cycle; a basic science unit taught at primary school (Key Stage 1) and also part of the USA Common Core Standards curriculum.

2. Pandora’s Box: Lottie volunteers at an animal shelter; one day a Persian cat is left in a cardboard box, and Lottie learns to look after her. Adopting a shelter pet as a family is a powerful lesson in nurturing. Allowing children to interact with animals is a great lesson in empathy.

3. Kawaii Karate: Be bold and brave and learn karate – just like Lottie! Lottie learns karate from her inspirational karate teacher who encourages her to try her best. The doll box includes ‘collector cards’ demonstrating beginner karate stances that both the doll and the child can try for themselves.

4. Lighthouse Keeper: Lighthouse Keeper Lottie is inspired by girls and women associated with lighthouses throughout history, whose brave and daring exploits went against all expectations ; we recall the likes of Grace Darling in the UK, Ida Lewis and Fannie Salter in the USA, Grace Bussell in Australia, Roberta Boyd in Canada and Mary Jane Bennett in New Zealand. The role of lighthouses is a history unit taught at primary school (Key Stage 1) and is also part of a Common Core Standards aligned curriculum in the USA.

5. Pirate Queen: Lottie is inspired by reading about the life of the original ‘Pirate Queen’, Grace O’ Malley, a real-life pirate who lived in 16th century Ireland, the ’most notorious woman in all the coasts of Ireland’. Not a ruthlessly accurate historical representation; this is a neat way to highlight an unconventional woman who has been airbrushed from history until recently. The accessory set includes replica silver pesos de ochos coins (‘pieces of eight’) as well as a treasure map …with Latin wording! Hic sunt dracones!

6. Robot Girl: Lottie is entering a Science Fair and she decides to build a robot that can ‘get busy’ doing all the household chores she dislikes. She decides to investigate if it is possible to build a robot using recycled household items, including old shoes that she unearths in her messy bedroom. The robot themed Robot Girl Lottie wears blue jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt, a blue hoodie with a metallic (Marie Curie inspired!) ‘atomic’ design on the front, a cap, glasses and converse-style sneakers. In other words, very much like kids at Maker Faires and the like. We have consciously chosen not to use pink, but equally the doll looks fun and appealing – but dressed as a kid.

We opted for the Butterfly Protector Lottie, which comes with a butterfly net, 4 butterflies, binoculars and a series of butterfly life cycle collector cards. 

Juliette loves the sensible clothes and the cute doll with very soft hair. As a parent (and teacher), I love the educational aspects that have been incorporated with ideas of things to research online that give a positive "girl power" message. It was interesting to watch Juliette playing with her Lottie doll because the role play centered much more on getting active and having outdoor adventures than when she plays with her Monster High or Bratz dolls, which inevitably focus on fashion and boys. Lottie dolls offer a great alternative for little girls with much more suitable interests for their age range.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £16.99

for more information :

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

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