Sunday 5 January 2014

Sunday weigh-in : Welcome to 2014 !

Well, it's that fateful first weekend of the year - time to see how much damage Christmas did ! In my last weigh-in before Christmas, which was in fact at the end of November because I took a few weeks off weighing in, I was at 83.2kg. I never worry about what I eat over Christmas and New Year so I knew I'd put some weight on over the festive period. When I got home on the 1st January, I decided to jump on the scales, in the evening, fully clothed, without having a wee (in other words, making myself as heavy as possible !) and saw 86.6kg flash up on the screen - eek !

But this cunning move meant that next morning, when 85.7kg came up on the screen, I felt like it was good news, despite having put on 2.5kg ! After several days of eating lighter food (lots of soup and veggies) and cutting out the snacks and chocolates, I weighed in today at 84.5kg which is not bad at all taking Christmas into account. Although I have to log this week as a gain overall, I did manage to lose over a kilo which is good going and hopefully something I'll maintain.

Last year ended up being a total non-starter weightwise so this year, I'll learn from last year's mistakes. I weighed in at 79.4kg on my first weigh-in of 2013, although swapping over to new scales meant I had to add 1.8kg so that would be 81.2kg. That's still 3kg less than now though which is not good. I lost several kilos before going on holiday, then put loads on over August so that's what I need to watch this year.

What about you? Where are you at in this New Year? I need my diet blogging buddies back to keep me on track so make sure you link up below !

Positives of the week

- After all that over-indulging and eating crisps, sweets, chocolates, cake and mince pies, I'm actually craving soup, fruit and salads !

- I'm back to feeling positive and am going to kick off the SlimPod again. My pedometer is my new best friend and I'm enjoying tracking my food on MyFitnessPal - it's a great way or seeing where your downfalls are.

Current targets 

Last week's target was :   Take a break from the weigh-ins and enjoy Christmas.

This week's targets : Get back on track and keep up the healthy eating. Time to start losing again. Get my "kg lost" back into double figures. A 1kg loss would be fabulous.

Longer-term targets : Get back to the 70-somethings. Get my badges back to "weight lost" being more than "left to lose"

STILL TO GO : 16.6kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to our weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. I'm still on a dieting hiatus at the moment though I know I really need to get sorted but I think it'll be 2015 before I feel ready to diet.
    Good luck in your mission and I hope it goes well!

  2. I'm heading back to slimming world on Wednesday to see the damage that I've done over my "diet break". I'm totally motivated again now though, fresh new year and all that! We can all keep each other motivated :) x


    1. Oooh good luck for Wednesday - it's definitely great to have support through the highs and lows :)

  3. i think your doing wonderfully and your so positive which always helps xx

    1. Thanks Jaime - I'm very impressed at you giving up smoking too, that's fabulous :) xxx

  4. I think most of us gain a little weight over Christmas, but it sounds like you're on a mission to succeed. You can and will reach your target. Thank you for all your support during the last year and good luck getting back on track. xx

  5. *waves* I admire you for ditching the scales ! Happy New Year xxx

  6. I think you have done fantastic to gain so little! And what a fabulous idea, weighing in the night before.........clever lady! lol x

  7. I too am enjoying getting back to healthy eating. You made me giggle a bit with the wee comment.

    1. LOL I bet you only giggled because you recognised yourself ! ;-)

  8. Fab, hope this week has gone well and look forward to Sunday's post x

  9. I love the whole writing down the positives thing, it really helps me focus on the week ahead


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