Thursday 20 February 2014

Love From ... Lalaloopsy magazine review

You may remember a couple of months ago, we reviewed the Love From ... Forever Friends magazine and were really impressed with the wide range of activities and also the cool free gifts. Needless to say, we were over the moon to receive the latest offering, this time featuring the cute Lalaloopsy dolls.

The main magazine offers all the usual fun and educational activities that you would expect - counting, spot the difference, matching, drawing patterns and an observation game.

There's also a game. It's all really brightly coloured and cheerful.

The back page has a big heart for you to colour in and if you send them a photo of you holding it for their gallery, you might win the next edition of the magazine.

But all kids know that it's the free toy on the front of the magazine that is of the most interest ! Well, you won't be disappointed here. You get a whole sheet full of Lalaloopsy stickers.

There's also a cute Lalaloopsy stationery set with a pencil, rubber, pencil sharpener, ring, notebook and pouch (I'd be tempted to say mobile phone case but surely not for this age group?!) and a door hanger kit to make, with the cut out, ribbon, paper/fabric embellishments and two glue pens.

But that's still not all ! You get a whole bonus magazine, featuring arts and crafts.

This has colouring pages featuring all four of the Lalaloopsy girls.

There's an instruction sheet for pencil painting, along with a page for you to try out the technique.

There's a lovely gift idea to make in the "parent and child" section : a Lalaloopsy-decorated cookie mix jar. (Homemade ready-to-use cookie mix - now there's a genius idea !)

There are also drawing and activity pages and at the end, a cutting and sticking activity to make collage crowns with lots of pretty papers that you can use.

The magazine costs £3.45 and given everything you get, I think that's great value. 

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £3.45

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

Other reviews you may be interested in :


  1. Ohh very nice!!
    There looks lots to do and read :)

  2. Oh how lovely! My little girl loves Lalaloopsy but I've not seen the magazine yet, I will look out for it :)

  3. what a cute magazine, looks like lots of fun :-)


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