Sunday 11 January 2015

It's not too late to help out the Dettol Baby Blanket Campaign !

You may remember back in October I told you about the Dettol Baby Blanket Donation campaign. Dettol have teamed up with UK children’s medical research charity, Sparks, to donate baby blankets to underprivileged children in the UK and abroad. 

If you need a quick reminder of what the campaign's all about, have a look at celeb mum of two, Rachel Stevens, telling you all about it.

Baby blankets are still flooding in and due to such high demand, Dettol have announced that the campaign has been extended until the middle of February. If you're trying to dejunk your house as one of your new year's resolutions, you know what to do with all those old baby blankets now !

You can follow @DettolBlanket on Twitter (or the ‘#sharethememories’ hash tag) for more news of the campaign.

Disclosure : Dettol sent me a bottle of Dettol Anti-Bacterial Laundry Cleanser.

1 comment:

  1. such a great idea, nice to see them extend the campaign


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