Sunday 25 January 2015

Sunday weigh-in : Babysteps in the right direction

This week, I've had no time for any exercise at all except for running around like a blue-arsed fly ! The good thing about the FitBug is that it tells you when you're getting the steps in without even realising it. Yesterday, for example, I spent a few hours tidying Pierre's room and putting lots of the big toys that were on the floor up into the top cupboards. In the evening, my thighs and legs were aching and I realised that all that climbing up and down on the stool was the equivalent of a step aerobics class !

On to the scales - 86.8kg, that's 600g down from last week which'll do me nicely, thank you !

Positives of the week

- Everything in moderation - this week, I fancied some chocolate so I had some. At the restaurant on Friday, I had steak and chips. But I evened things out with Slimfast shakes, soups and salads.

- The badges are on the move - last week 6kg lost and 14lb lost/47lb to go. This week 7kg lost and 15lb lost/46lb to go.

Current targets 

Last week's target : Stick to the SlimFast plan and get in two Belly-Blasting Walk dvd sessions. Get losing again. (good enough)

This week's targets : Hit my second target - my pre-xmas weight of 85.9kg. Replace the school canteen by SlimFast bars and ready-to-drink shakes.

Short-term targets 21kg to lose sounds a lot but breaking it down, aiming for 1kg a week, that's only about 5 months - plenty of time for heading off to Turkey in August !

first target, get my "weight to lose" badge down into the 40's (it's currently on 51lb) (done),
 second goal - get back to 85.9kg, my pre-xmas weight
third goal : get my "kg lost" badge back into double figures 
fourth goal : get my "weight loss" badge higher than my "still to go" badge
fifth goal : get back into my (smallest) bright blue jeans comfortably
sixth goal : get back to 77kg - my lowest weight since my pregnancies

Longer-term targets :  Hit my target weight of 68kg. 

STILL TO GO : 18.7kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. You can even grab the linkie code and add it to your own blog if you like. :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

We Will Do It! Support Linky on The Purple Pumpkin Blog


  1. I love that photo, so inspiring. Well done on your loss Cheryl and best of luck reaching your Turkey goal. xx

    1. Thanks - it seems a long way off but every babystep is one step closer ! xx

  2. It sounds like you had a great week! Keep up like this and I'm sure you'll hit your target.

    Sharon xx
    Beauty, Miscellany

  3. Well done!!

    A little of what you love is good for you. I've had a few treats but just stuck under my calories xx

  4. Well done, I also believe if you cut everything out and deprive yourself you make it harder in the long run. Hope you have a good week x

    1. Definitely, especially if you're looking at long term changes rather than a quick fix :)

  5. My first comment seemed to disappear somewhere! Hope it doesn't post twice now!
    I said.....Well done Cheryl :) I've got the girls room to do this weekend and it's like a bomb has hit it so I'll be getting plenty of exercise there!
    Good luck for the week ahead xx

    1. Ooh good luck ! I'm amazed to see that Pierre's room has stayed tidy - amazing ! I wonder if it will last over the weekend !!

  6. Well done on a fantastic week! Tidying around the house is always a great form of exercise - you don't realise how much you are moving!! Everything in moderation is a great tip - back in the day I would quite happily eat until a packet was empty, now I allow myself one or two and put the packet away... every little helps! :) Sim @ #WeightLossWednesday xx


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