Tuesday 31 March 2015

Madhouse recipe : Creamy Cheese, Potato and Bacon Quiche

You may have seen my recent blogposts about the Japanese recipes that we tried and that I was pretty sure we wouldn't like (and 100% sure that the Madhouse kids would turn their noses up at !) so this recipe developed from a look in the fridge to see what I could come up with as a plan B meal ! It's the first time I've put potato in a quiche but it worked quite well so it's another great way of using up leftovers.

Creamy Cheese, Potato and Bacon Quiche

1 ready made puff pastry sheet
1 pack bacon lardons
5 leftover boiled potatoes
100g grated cheese
4 eggs
20cl liquid crème fraîche
milk (skimmed, full-fat, almond or rice, whatever takes your fancy)
a handful of cherry tomatoes

Use the puff pastry to line a flan dish and prick all over. Pop in the oven while it preheats at 180°C. Use this time to cook up the bacon lardons. Drain off all excess fat.

Remove the pastry from the oven and cover the base in sliced cooked potatoes.

Cover with the bacon. Crack four eggs in a pint glass, beat and add 20cl crème fraîche. Top up the glass with milk, mix and pour into the pastry.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and arrange halved cherry tomatoes arround the edges.

Bake in the oven for about half an hour until completely set and the cheese has melted and gone golden.

This can be eaten warm or cold next day, when you realise that Japanese food is better than you expected !


  1. Mmm looks great! I really want to make some quiche now! xx

  2. Just wish I could pick a slice out of the computer right now.

    1. LOL I always think that when I'm looking at foodie blogs !

  3. Thats what I shall do for tea but not the tomatoes as my son wont eat tomatoes!! looks delicious

  4. I've never out potato in a quiche before and now I can't think why!! Sounds perfect, potato and cheese great combination madness that I haven't tried it already I make quiches quite often and throw all sorts in! Thank you very much! Off to make my pastry x x

    1. Exactly the same here ! It was a case of seeing what was hanging about in the fridge - nothing goes to waste !


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