Friday 20 March 2015

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 20/3

My #KitchenClearout linkie is continuing but this week, I've turned to a couple of new cookery books for inspiration - well, I say new but I actually picked them up in the January sales and just haven't had a chance to look at them yet ! Anyway, lots of recipes found in Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food and Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Home Cooking this week.


lunch - I'm planning on making a tomato and pesto tart with rice but as Madhouse Daddy is off at a language conference all day, this is subject to change. We might end up going out for a long walk and picking something up in town or we could end up having kid-food or an indoor picnic !

dinner - leek, potato and smoked haddock soup


lunch - possibly a classic Sunday roast or possibly chicken fricassée with rice. I think I'll knock up a fridge cake for dessert.

dinner -  a recipe for spiced baked porridge has tickled my fancy !


dinner -  sausage plait with cheesy mash and beans


dinner -  sticky lemon chicken with noodles and stir fry veg


lunch - choucroute (sauerkraut)

dinnerbacon, pea and goat's cheese omelette


dinner - twice-baked bubble and squeak jacket potatoes with sausages


dinner - pea and mint soup with Parma ham (and crispy filo parcels with honeyed yogurt for dessert)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !


  1. Looks like a great meal plan


  2. Sounds nice. I need to be a bit more adventurous but I have a fussy son which doesn't help


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