Tuesday 9 June 2015

Drumond Park Dino Bite review

*** Don't miss your chance to win Dino Bite in my giveaway ! ***

There were cheers of delight at The Madhouse recently when the postman dropped off Dino Bite, another fab Drumond Park game for us to play with. (Along with some cheeky sniggers from Juliette because it means something rude in French - the perils of living in a bilingual household !)

After some frantic rummaging in the kitchen drawer for 2 x AA batteries (not included), we were ready to go. It's quick and simple to set up - once you've inserted the batteries, you just need to slot the T-Rex's legs into the two slots and press him back so he's primed.

The aim of the game is rolling the dice to see which colour comes up, then carefully lifting the leaf and plucking out an egg of the correct colour with the tweezers (or your fingers, for younger players).

The game has great sound effects - jungle noises and warning growls which spice things up, because it makes you think the T Rex is about to jump forward even when he isn't !

There are no complicated rules so players of all ages can have fun. The age guide on the box says 2-4 players aged 4+.

It only takes seconds to set up and each game only lasts for a few minutes, making it perfect for slotting some quality family time in when you're short on time or tired after a long day at work.

It's a game that is fun to play for adults as well as children rather than a game that you play out of a sense of parental duty. It had us all in stitches on numerous occasions.

 The added tension of never knowing when the dinosaur will leap forward snapping his jaws and the random warning roars make it a really exciting and funny game, especially if you have at least one young child playing.

If you remember playing Buckaroo as a child, it's a similar concept - it's a game of chance and minimal skill/dexterity so players of all ages have fairly equal odd of winning. Have a look at how nervous and excited Pierre was when he played the first time - he had us in hysterics !

If you think this looks like fun, don't go away - I have a giveaway coming right up in my next blogpost where you can win your own Dino Bite game and join in the fun !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £19.99

for more information : www.drumondpark.com

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

Family Fever


  1. This looks like fantastic fun! My girls would love it x

  2. My Monkey is Dinosaur mad, so this is right up his street! thanks for sharing x #TriedTested

  3. Dominic is five and an absolute dinosaur fanatic, he can name so many of them! He would love this game, ty for the birthday pressie inspiration! A very helpful review x

    1. ooh make sure you enter my giveaway, it would be lovely if you could win it :)

  4. Wonderful toy for any dinosaur-obsessed little person, like my Eddie.

  5. A fun game for everyone. What DOES DinoBite mean in French???!

    1. Let's just say it only applies to little boy dinosaurs !!

  6. Ah I have a dino obsessed 3yo atm, he would love this! #triedtested


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