Wednesday 24 June 2015

#KitchenClearout recipe : Quick Midweek Noodles

Now that life has slightly calmed down, I've got back to my #KitchenClearout with a vengeance ! I looked in the fridge and found a small amount of leftover cooked chicken and the end of a chorizo, as well as a leek that was on its last legs.

A quick rummage in the cupboard came up with this pack of So Stir Fry noodles from a recent Degustabox. I had the makings of a quick but tasty meal.

 Quick Midweek Noodles

ingredients :

250g bacon lardons
leftover cooked chicken 
1 leek
1 onion
handful of frozen peas
pack of So Stir Fry noodles (+ seasoning sachet)

Chop up the leek and onion. Put the bacon lardons into a large pan and heat until they release some fat, then throw in the leek and onions and cook for 5-10 minutes until the bacon is cooked through.

Add the leftovers and heat through - I had cooked chicken and chorizo but you could throw any other cooked meat and veg in there too.

Following the instructions on the pack of noodles, add 400ml cold water and the peas.

Pop in the noodles, breaking them up a bit, and the seasoning sachet from the noodles, and cook, stirring, for about 5 minutes until the water has been absorbed and the noodles are soft.

The whole family loved this and Juliette, who usually has the appetite of a sparrow, came back for seconds ! I also have a pack of Oriental 3 Spice Chicken Noodles to try from the same range. They're great for a quick midweek meal so I'll definitely be looking out for these in the shops. 

Fancy having a look to see what's lurking in the back of your larder? Join in with this month's #KitchenClearout linkie !

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