Sunday 19 October 2014

Sunday weigh-in : The Poland Diet !!!

Last week, I finished off my Sunday weigh-in post with this : "Next week in Poland will be catastrophic. We'll be eating in restaurants twice a day and I'll have no time for any sport but its an experience I need to make the most of without worrying about what the scales say next week !"

Well, it was actually worse than that - on one memorable day, we had a cooked breakfast, two three course meals in restaurants plus an extra "meal" just before lunch. (We had a little reception at the tourist information centre to welcome us to the town - they'd put on nibbles (little wraps and mini tarts), then brought out beef stew, cheesecake and fruit. All before heading off to the restaurant for a big meal ! We couldn't really say no though as they had laid it all on in our honour and paid for us to eat in the town's best restaurants. We also had a chauffeur-driven minibus transporting us everywhere all day every day so didn't even walk anywhere.

I have no regrets though - it was great fun and a fantastic opportunity to discover a new country. The PE teacher with us said he was sure he'd put on 5kg (in 5 days !) and when I jumped on the scales yesterday morning, I saw 88kg flash up. Eek ! A 2.5kg gain. This morning, however, they said 86.5kg which is only a 1kg gain - not putting on weight would have been grotesque after everything we ate this week so I think I got away lightly there with a 1kg gain!

Back to sensible eating and exercise this week.

Positives of the week

Yesterday was a salad and soup day with a big geocaching walk thrown in for good measure. (We found our 100th cache - yay !)  It's now the school holidays so it's the perfect time to get back on track.

- Rather than set myself up for a fail, I ditched the FitBug last week but it's back on my arm and I'm aiming to hit my targets every day.

- The break has done me good so I'm not feeling the slightest bit guilty!

Current targets 

Last week's target :  Take a week off and enjoy Poland. (DONE !)

This week's targets :  Get back on track. Track all meals on the FitBug. Hit my steps target every day on the FitBug. Listen to the SlimPod and the FitPod at least once. Get back to pre-Poland weight (85.5kg)

Short-term targets 21kg to lose sounds a lot but breaking it down, aiming for 1kg a week, that's only about 5 months -
first target, get my "weight to lose" badge down into the 40's (it's currently on 51lb) by next week (done),
 second goal - get back to 85.6kg, my pre-holiday weight, by the end of September(done)
third goal : get my "kg lost" badge back into double figures by Halloween
fourth goal : get my "weight loss" badge higher than my "still to go" badge
fifth goal : get back into my (smallest) bright blue jeans comfortably
sixth goal : get back to 77kg - my lowest weight since my pregnancies

Longer-term targets :  Hit my target weight of 68kg. 

STILL TO GO : 18.5kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. You can even grab the linkie code and add it to your own blog if you like. :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

We Will Do It! Support Linky on The Purple Pumpkin Blog


  1. Sounds like you had a fabulous time! Glad to have you back though I definitely need motivating!

    1. we can do this ! I need to round up the troops again ! xx

  2. it sounds to me like you had a fab time and you are doing brilliantly well done

  3. We're all allowed a break every now and again, does us good. Hope getting back on track goes smoothly!

    1. so far so good - I think a blow out every now and then is a good thing - seems to be anyway !!

  4. Id love to visit Poland! Whereabouts did you go?


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