Monday 7 September 2015

Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix review

I love cooking from scratch but I also have nothing against using ready-made mixes as a shortcut so, when we got back in from our trip to the zoo and the kids were hungry for cake, I reached for a box of Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix.

After mixing in the oil, water and egg, as per the instructions on the box, I was impressed to have a rich, gooey, chocolatey batter that I just wanted to dive into with a spoon !

I slightly undercooked them because there's nothing worse than a dried-out brownie and I wanted to maximise the gooeyness. They broke up a bit when I took them out of the tin because the kids were too impatient to wait for them to cool down properly but they were utterly divine.

Totally gooey and oozy and delicious with a slightly crispy top and a rich, satisfying chocolate taste. I never dreamed I'd get brownies this good from a packet mix so I'll definitely be buying this again. Yum !


  1. Love these Brownie mixes - so easy to make. Looks really soft and gooey. Lovely.

  2. Whenever I've cooked brownies they've turned out a bit dry and flavorless - I might have to try again with one of these mixes!

    1. Whether made from scratch or from a mix, my top tip is to undercook them so they remain lovely and gooey. If the knife comes out clean when you test them in the oven, they're too far gone !

  3. Fingers crossed x


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