Tuesday 15 May 2012

New Cbeebies show Cloudbabies

Hands up if you discovered CBeebies' brand new show Cloudbabies when it hit the screens for the first time yesterday ! We were given access to a screener episode and it was a big hit with all the Madhouse Mini-testers.

In case you missed it, Cloudbabies is an animated pre-school series about four enchanting, childlike characters, Baba Pink, Baba Blue, Baba Yellow and Baba Green whose job it is to look after the sky and their Sky Friends, Sun, Moon, Rainbow, Fuffa Cloud and Little Star. (Fuffa Cloud featured heavily in the episode we watched so Pierre soon started saying "Effa Cloud" - I'm sure I'll get black looks when he says that in public and everyone mistakenly thinks I've been complaining about the weather and the "effing clouds"!)

CBeebies explain : "The Cloudbabies live together with Bobo White, a mischievous little Sky Imp, in a house on a big fluffy cloud. Every morning, they jump on their Skyhorsies (why not Skyhorses ? It doesn't change the sound much and at least they learn the right spelling !) and begin their day's work of looking after the sky.
The series promotes caring for others and the world around us and also introduces children to notions such as day and night, sun and moon, rainbow and the stars."

 The Madhouse Mini-testers loved the bright colours and the friendly, cute characters. As an adult, I also love the values promoted - friendship, working together, sharing. Lots of valuable life lessons to learn there !

The series is made up of 52 ten-minute episodes. I foresee a whole range of Cloudbabies toys and accessories being on the Christmas wishlists here at The Madhouse later in the year ! They're on every day this week, so if you want a sneaky peek, here's the episode guide :

On Monday, Fuffa tells each Cloudbaby that the door needs a new coat of paint.   Can Rainbow come up with a solution to their colourful squabbles?
In Tuesday’s show, a rumbly noise stops Little Star from twinkling.  Can the Cloudbabies solve the mystery so Little Star can twinkle again?
Moon is hungry on Wednesday and the Cloudbabies have run out of Mooonrock.  Can they find some in time to feed Moon so she can be full?
Rainbow gets himself in a knot on Thursday which means he cannot take part in the star flinging so there will be no stars in the sky. Can the Cloudbabies find a way of unravelling him?
All the Cloudbabies are sneezing on Friday, but why? Could it be the mysterious yellow cloud from the Fluffigold flowers?

Other reviews you may be interested in :


  1. My Little one loved the advertising for it and even more impressed when it was on x


  2. Eliza adores cloudbabies already!! It's already set to record and I can see Baby Jake being relegated very soon!

  3. Not seen it yet, I switched to sky 2 months ago so had on all the disney channels and other channels we never had before, made a very nice change from only having cbeebies but will need to have a watch of that one, looks like something my son would love

  4. heard about this but never watched it yet!

  5. Alex loved the ad. we haven't seen the full programme yet

  6. Looks like it is a 'hit' here in our household, she seems to be going off 'In The Night Garden' aswel...strange! lol x

  7. I've seen this and it kind of reminded me of the Care Bears, it was enjoyable to watch and my youngest seemed to really enjoy it

    1. I hadn't thought of the Care Bears but yes, I can see where you're coming from :)

  8. My son and I haven't seen it yet but have seen it advertised lots - I'm always singing along when it's advertised "The cloud babies dooo" :) Will try and catch it today, I think my son will really love it :)

  9. this looks so cute will have to get the kids watching it this eve, im sure they will love it

  10. "Hands up if you discovered CBeebies' brand new show Cloudbabies when it hit the screens for the first time yesterday"

    It wasn't on for the first time last week, it debuted a couple of months back. To the hardcore CBeebies fanatics (and their long-suffering parents!) this is old news!

    It's a great show though.

    1. That was based on info sent through with the screener but maybe you know better ... ?

  11. Sounds interesting. And 10 minutes is just about right for my son's attention span.

  12. my 23 month old loves cloud babies i have to watch it on catch tv everyday over and over again, we can't wait for a book to come out

  13. my baby elaiza kate love this cloud babies it settles her every time its on . i would like to have a dvd of this .

  14. great grandma gran gran and great grandpa ga ga need to buy talking bo bo white help !!!!!!

    1. Sorry, had a quick look and there seem to be a distinct lack of white bobos in all the online shops I usually look in !


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