Thursday 24 May 2012

Picture book review : Marvin the Mole and the Queen's Jubilee - Gerald Watts & Lisa Fox

As you can see from the photo, Pierre gave an enthusiastic reception to the latest book that we received to review, Marvin the Mole and the Queen's Jubilee. In fact, he seems to be imitating the smile of the little mole on the front cover !

Marvin is a lovable but naughty mole who is always getting into trouble because he won't listen to his parents and stay out of harm's way close to home. He keeps popping up in awkward places to see what's going on - a wedding reception, a golf course, a school egg-and-spoon race - and even if he doesn't mean to cause problems, he inevitably does and makes lots of people angry. When he surfaces in the middle of the Queen's Jubilee tea party, he's gone a step too far and gets into big trouble with all the people he has already annoyed. But the lovely Queen sees that he has learnt his lesson and grants him a royal pardon, dropping him off at home where he promises to be a good little mole from now on.

This is a book that will delight parents and children because it is totally modern, with the subject matter relating to the Queen's jubilee, but also very reminiscent of the books I enjoyed as a child. The story with strong morals written entirely in rhyme totally reminds me of the "Fluffikins" and other animal tales in the Ladybird series of books that I used to love.

It was a trip down memory lane for me to read this style of book and my enthusiasm won over Pierre, who loved listening to me putting on silly voices and reading in rhyme, as well as pointing things out in the pictures. Having a main character who is always being naughty and getting into trouble is another surefire way of getting Pierre's approval too !

It's a lovely book for children to read now but also come back to in years to come as a souvenir of the Diamon Jubilee.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £6.99

Disclosure : We received a review copy of the book in order to write an honest review.

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  1. Looks like a really fun book, we do lots of reading and I'm always thankful for good reading suggestions!

  2. I knew the Jubilee was getting everywhere, but I'm surprised it's reached the realms of mole-themed books! :) This looks adorable though!

  3. This looks so much fun I shall be buying this for my reception class . x


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