Wednesday 21 September 2016

Paint Your Own Irish Fairy Door (review)

Paint Your Own Irish Fairy Door

The Irish Fairy Door Company have added a lovely new product to their range of super-cute magical fairy doors (no batteries required, just your child's imagination and sense of wonderment !) - a Paint Your Own Fairy Door.

Paint Your Own Irish Fairy Door

Inside the box, you get everything you need to personalise your special fairy door - paints and a paintbrush, felt tip pens and a selection of stick-on embellishments, including flowers, a mushroom, a shamrock and a keyhole - as well as the all-important tiny door key to leave out (if it disappears, you know your fairy has moved in !), a notepad for writing messages to your fairy (and receiving them back - always a source of great excitement) and the Fairy Welcome Guide, which tells you everything you need to know about welcoming a special fairy friend into your home.

Irish Fairy Door Company

 Pierre got very excited about being able to make a totally unique door for his special fairy friend and sat straight down with the felt tips. I wasn't sure how well they would work on the wooden surface but they produce really vibrant colours that look fantastic.

Irish Fairy Door CompanyIrish Fairy Door Company

Pierre was over the moon with his finished design and I must admit, I think he did a great job too. He went racing upstairs to add it to his fairy corner. I give him free reign to do whatever he likes in this specially designated area of his room and I always love seeing what else he has found to put there.

fairy door

He's recently added a Playmobil house which has two holes for doorways, and he has now placed both of his Irish Fairy Doors - the one that we already had on the left and the new one that he had just decorated on the right - behind the openings so that they come through into a house that he has filled with all sorts of fairy-sized home comforts. There are some tiny Playmobil accessories, lots of home-made additions created from modelling clay and a miniature china tea-set that he saw in the pound shop and begged to buy with his own pocket money for his fairy house. He fills it with water every night at bedtime - "just a little bit so that it's not too heavy for her to lift, and I don't want to put too much in it in case she falls in so that she won't drown" ! The look of total amazement on his face when the water has gone in the morning always melts my heart !

He also added an old woolly hat that he found in his toy box (goodness knows what it was doing in there !) so that she would have something soft to walk on and maybe sleep on if she fancied a rest. I also pointed out that it was raining so she could use it to wipe her feet and not leave fairy-sized footprints all over his floor for me to wipe up, which made him laugh !

fairy door

Having added the perfect finishing touches, Pierre sat back to admire his handiwork, before dashing off with a "wait, I know what I've forgotten" !

fairy door

It was time to put some little fairy-sized treats on to the tiny china plates so that they were ready and waiting for her next visit. We've discovered that she's rather partial to chocolate-covered blueberries (and so am I, which is rather handy !)

Our fairy moved in over a year ago (you can see our original Irish Fairy Door and the fairy moving-in day here) and Pierre is still just as enchanted whenever she pays him a visit. It's just like having the excitement of Santa paying a visit but the magic keeps on going all through the year. Pierre loves all the little add-on accessories that he can put in her special corner of his bedroom. As Fairytalers, we've been lucky enough to review quite a few of the products available, and there are several new items on the way which look equally enchanting. You might like to see what we thought of the Fairy Force book, the wall stickers and playtime set (a miniature playground and bike) and a cute fairy-sized easel that we made from a couple of wooden pegs. I think I'm having as much fun as Pierre watching his reaction every time she visits !

RRP : €29.95

for more information :

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.


  1. These are beautiful
    I'd love one

  2. This is excellent! My daughter loves fairies and crafting so this would be the perfect present for her!


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