Sunday 15 May 2011

Leapfrog Maths Adventure to the Moon DVD review

**** Don't miss out on my giveaway to win 3 copies of the DVD here (coming right up !) ****

Kids always love it when their toys "come to life" on screen or in books so as soon as Juliette and Pierre saw the LeapFrog characters, we were on to a winner because they squealed "oooh it's Baby Koa" ! It may be called Baby Tad in English but The Madhouse is a bilingual household so it's Baby Koa here ! If you're wondering, Koa-koa is what French frogs say - no ribbit ribbit here !!

Anyway, I digress ! Enough about French frogs and back to the DVD ! The blurb says : "Join school-going frogs Tad and Lily, and some new friends, on their latest adventure as they blast off into space on an educational expedition. On a mission to collect everything they need for their maths project they find that counting, sorting and using patterns and numbers is a skill they need to use everywhere – even in outer space!"

The content is educational but in a fun way and reminded me a bit of Dora the Explorer, as the friendly frogs use their problem-solving skills within the adventure. It's colourful, exciting (for a 6-year-old and a 2-year-old !) and encouraged Juliette to shout out the answers and join in with the pattern and number sequences.

It's a gentle, colourful animation that will keep your kids interested without sending them hyper ! And they can also practise their maths skills along the way without even realising - always a good thing ! LeapFrog explain : "Leap Frog makes learning fun with this brilliant curriculum based DVD, created with input and endorsement from the Educational Advisory Board, and ideal for pre-school children and their parents. The loveable characters have anglicised voices for the UK market and the learning is fun, informative and accessible making MATHS ADVENTURE TO THE MOON an easy way to help little ones get to grips with early maths."

When I asked Juliette if she liked doing maths at school, she shook her head. When I asked her what she thought of the DVD, she said it was really really good ! Pierre didn't put it into words but he did sit enthralled for the entire 37 minutes of play. Just over half an hour is a great length for younger viewers so they don't get bored, but I must admit, I'd think it was a bit on the short side if I'd paid £10 for the DVD.

Great news for you is that I have a giveaway right here on my blog where you can win 3 copies of the DVD to enjoy with your little learners. Watch this space !

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £9.99

release date : 9th May 2011

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  1. Great dvd, I like educational animation!

  2. lovely review i am thinking of this for my daughter

  3. great review, im sure Hope would enjoy it, and yes a tenner for 37 mins seems a lot, but when it comes to education its worth it x

  4. i was lucky enough to win this on another blog and it really is great, my daughter loves it!


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