Monday, 10 September 2012

Top chef creates kid-friendly 'Peace of Cake' Recipe in celebration of Peace One Day

Ocado, has joined forces with the non-profit organisation Peace One Day and Great British Chef Alfred Prasad, Executive Chef at the world famous Tamarind in Mayfair, to inspire mini masterchefs to participate in Peace Day 21 September. Working with the award-winning chef to create the simple, yet delicious Sri Lankan 'Love Cake' recipe, Ocado is encouraging families across the UK to unite for peace in the kitchen. The tasty initiative calls for mums and dads and their little sous chefs to bake and share their cake with family and friends.

Peace One Day, founded by British filmmaker Jeremy Gilley, led the initiative to establish an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September – Peace Day. In celebration of this unique annual day, unanimously adopted by the United Nations in 2001, Ocado has partnered with Peace One Day to develop ‘A Peace of Cake’, an interactive lesson plan built around Prasad’s exotic recipe. The lesson’s activities urge children to think about how our world is connected by food - and to also cook up a storm!

Made with delicious ingredients, including honey, fragrant ginger and rose water, the online grocer has pledged to donate all sales profits from the recipe ingredients of this tasty traditional Sri Lankan delicacy to  Peace One Day.

‘A Peace of Cake’ is included in the new Ocado-sponsored Peace One Day Primary Education Resource – a free teaching Resource designed to aid schools and parents in introducing primary-aged children (5-11 year olds) to the subject of peace, using Peace Day 21 September as a focus. In a nationwide project that is both fun and educational, Peace One Day’s Primary Education Resource supports the UK national curriculum, with the ‘Love Cake’ recipe providing crossovers for Geography, Maths and ICT. The lesson culminates in a class baking and sharing session of the ‘Love Cake’ recipe.

Jason Gissing, co-founder of Ocado, said: “We’re excited to be working with Peace One Day to educate our future generations about such an important and worthwhile cause. We hope that the 'Peace of Cake' project gets children thinking about a global change for good, and inspires families to get hands-on in the kitchen.”

Jeremy Gilley, founder of Peace One Day, added: “Alfred Prasad’s traditional recipe has opened up some fascinating topics in the lesson plan around how the world needs to work together to fill our cupboards with delicious food. We’re grateful to Ocado and Great British Chefs for donating this recipe and helping us share it.

“For Peace Day 2012 we hope to break records and instigate the largest global reduction of violence ever recorded in one day – getting into the kitchen and making a the ‘Peace of Cake’ cake is a great way to get involved.”

Buy all the ingredients needed for the Love Cake recipe at:

Alfred Prasad’s Sri Lankan ‘Love Cake’ Recipe
This wonderfully simple cake is a Sri Lankan delicacy made with love at birthdays or special occasions.  A legacy from the Portuguese rule in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), this cake is a great combination of dried fruit, nuts and spices. 

   150 g unsalted butter
 350 g caster sugar
 6 medium eggs
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons rose water
Grated zest of 1 orange
Grated zest 1 lemon
1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
200g unsalted cashew nuts, chopped coarsely [optional]
250 g coarse semolina
50 g of glacé cherries [can be replaced with wine gums or jelly babies]
25 g of mixed peel
 25 g of crystallized stem ginger
Icing sugar to dust 

1.      Preheat the oven to 150˚C/300˚F and line a 25 x 30 cm (10 x 12 in) cake tin with baking paper. 
2.      Dice 150g of unsalted butter and leave in a warm place to soften.
3.      Once soft, cream the sugar and butter until light and fluffy. 
4.      Add in the eggs, one at a time and beat well. 
5.      Add honey, rose water, zest, nutmeg, cardamom and cinnamon. Use a spatula to gently fold through
6.      Next fold through the cashew nuts, semolina, glacé cherries, mixed peel and crystallized ginger until combined. Do not over mix.
7.      Turn into prepared tin and bake in the oven for 1 hour or until pale golden on top. The cake comes out best in a slow-cook process and should ideally feel chewy on top and moist in the middle. 
8.      Allow the cake to cool in the tin for about 20 minutes.
9.      Turn out of the tin, and when completely cool dust with icing sugar.

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1 comment:

  1. oohh, I love baking with my girls and having read this and read your post I will definitely be trying this out at home!


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