Monday 24 June 2013

Cow & Gate is searching for little ones to be the stars of a new advert

Just a quick heads-up for all those parents of tiny tots aged 9 months-3 years who think their little one has the X-factor and fancy seeing them as the star of a new advert !


Cow & Gate, the baby feeding brand, is searching for little ones to be the personalities of a new advert, who will be found through the brand's new campaign, Dance Dance Baby.

Whether it’s bouncing on their bottoms or whirling around, little ones love moving to music as a way to express themselves, and Cow & Gate wants to celebrate seeing their personalities come to life.

Following the hugely popular 'Supergroup' TV ad, Cow & Gate is putting out the call for UK parents to share videos of their little ones' personalities.

Parents are invited to upload videos via Dance Dance Baby of their little one, aged between nine months and three years, for the chance to be featured in Cow & Gate’s new advert. All videos must be uploaded by 15th July 2013.

Bruce Newman, Cow & Gate Marketing Manager comments: "At Cow & Gate we love it when little ones show their personalities, which is why we're really excited about our new brand activation to find little personalities to star in our new advert.”

1 comment:

  1. Wow this looks like a fantastic opportunity. I am so tempted to put Maxwell in for it...


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